An Ideal day ?

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
Whats your ideal day...

Wake up at 7-30am cup of tea in bed get up at 8

Full English breakfast made by mrs ips

20 min drive to a trap ground cup of tea and a cigar

Shoot 100 OT

Lunch at 12 preferably chips gravy and babbies yed (explanation available for southerners)

Tea and cigar

Shoot 100 ABT

Drive 20 min home


Open wine

Dinner at 7pm spare ribs, Chinese starters, crispy duck, chicken schezuan

Multiple Cigar and scotch till 10 pm

Early to bed .... oor er

Get up again at 11 pm for a night cap and another cigar

Bed to sleep this time

My ideal day ...............

bingle `his perfect day her perfect day`. Very funny and scarily true. Too crude to put it on here. :)

My ideal day:

Wake up  (especially meaningful as you age)

Do WTF I feel like all day - injury free (especially meaningful as you age)

Sleep peacefully (especially meaningful as you age)

Wake up


Wake up seven ish
Drive to meet eight other guns on crispy winter morning for a day of tall birds and great company.
Make of that what you will.

Sent from my mobile that's my excuse for typos and errors.

I couldn't possibly put my perfect day on this forum....... ;)


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