It is very difficult to engage in a thread like this without saying... this is what was voted for! Although I will never accept that 52% vs 48% is sufficient grounds to extract a country from an extremely complex economic union the message from me a remainer is suck it up this is just one of many, many changes on the way. I don't doubt that Boris is out courting some ex foreign dominion members with a view to coming to Britain's aid in it hour of need

There were so many lies told during that referendum that some who thought their lives and livelihoods were going to be enriched have now found the exact opposite to be true... take for example the issues faced by fish exporters.
Never mind we have a special relationship with the Untied States of America ... they say jump... we ask how high

Bottom line the ordinary man in the street is going to find things a bit tougher for a long time to come while during that same period some fat arse tory is going to be scoring a fortune. However I am sorry for spouting on about it but the cost of cartridges is not something that is going to impact many there are far greater issues just around the corner I am certain of that.