Any Newbies from Dorset?

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Apr 13, 2017
I'm having my second lesson at Purbeck on Saturday and was wondering if any newbies in the local area would fancy meeting up, maybe once a month for a shoot?  I'm based at Portland and more than willing to pick someone up on route if it would help?

Welcome and enjoy ?. Not in your area but occasionally a visit to Podimore for competition.

Podimore is where I had my first lesson, great site, but Purbeck is a little closer for me.

Scotty may I thoroughly recommend Pilford when you start getting out and about. Second Saturday of every month, friendly 40 bird shoot aimed at all levels.

Welcome to the forum, I'm in West Bay, so not too far from you. I gave up clay shooting last year, mainly due to neck/back issues and the fact that we no longer have any trap shooting the county!! I couldn't be doing with having to travel up to Cheddar to shoot OT.
