Why, Oh why, should the perceived threat from a firearm be the only motivation for a reasoned response to a crime?
Are they (The Police) only interested if they can sensationalise their crime reports? Is the theft of belongings from a shed not a crime anymore? If not, what has to be stolen to attract attention from the authorities?
A good friend of mine lives not 5 minutes walk from the County police Headquarters. He has at least 5 serving Police Ofiicers living in his little Cul-de-sac, including one next door and one who is an Instructor to the Firearms Teams, while also still being operational. He himself used to train certain departments of the Army/RAF/Police in the use of personal weapons in his early days and has no criminal record at all, not even a parking fine or speeding ticket (Yes, that is possible!!), and yet he still is subjected to random spot-checks of his gun security at the rate of roughly 2 a year. My thoughts are that as he is so close to home, he is being used for training purposes by the Constabulary? Thankfully he is not the type to resort to violence should his shed ever get broken into, but I would hate to think of the outcome if he ever did.