Barrel length for a shorty

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I will note again that there is no ballistic advantage to any commonly used barrel length.  AFAIC the 32" thing is a fad thanks to King George.  In the 80's and 90's about the only 32" barrel people were ATA doubles shooters as ATA'er have had the longer is better thing going on a for a substantial time.  When sporting first fired up 28" barrels ruled and then along came the impressively sized King George who eventually moved up to 32" barrels and the rest is history.  As I have mentioned before the 32" fad has provided me with some absolutely primo 28" barrel guns at absolutely bargain prices.  Thanks, George! ! ! 

As others have noted length is less noticeable than weight and the simple fact is that it is easier (cheaper) to build light short barrels than it is to build light long barrels.  I have had some marginally usable 32" barrels weight wise and they still felt clumsy  to me.  To me any barrel over +/-1.5kg seems like work to crank around.  Coincidentally that also seems to be the barrel weight that the far majority of bunker shooters favor (remember? fastest targets of any game) - along with 30"/75cm length.  Personally 28"/72cm barrels seem more what agrees with me and a couple 70cm'ers have worked just fine as well.  And the shorter barrels are all under 1.4kg making for some quite responsive dynamics.

I'm not going to get into that "balance" stuff cos it engenders arguments as devoid of objective comment as barrel length.

Shoot what works for you and besta luck

be smart be safe


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Berretta 690 series?
Yes, those too. The black versions have magnetic weights you can add to the barrels (under the foreend) for balancing purposes, as well as weights you can screw into the stock. Unsure about the none-black versions, but really you can just add lead weights to the stock of any gun, or weigh down the forend if you are so inclined. 
