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I can see benefits for both instructor and student if you can actually demonstrate in slo-mo the shot pattern's path to the target. 
but so what if the slo mo shows you were behind infront under whatever, a good shooter or a good coach can tell that anyway. Even if this was beneficial as the camera does not show the shooter it can be of little use in determining why you missed, it only shows what you already new, you hit it or you missed it !!!!

or are some of us missing a vital point.


not having a go at this camera just the concept in general

When you start out it's sometimes difficult to grasp just how much forward allowance may be needed. I know an instructor can tell you, but if there's film of you missing four feet behind it can help, I'm sure. But I agree with you, a good shooter or coach can tell you. 

I'm struggling to think what could be patentable about this setup. 

I think where this one differs from the usual bolt-on shot cams is that the view is from the shooters eye perspective, not strapped underneath the barrel. Would be interested in seeing how it mounts without interfering with the shooters view of the target.


As i pointed out earlier there are glasses with HD cameras so effectively a shooters eye point of view and i have seen a few other similar devices.

I guess a small camera attached to the peak of a cap/head mounting system would provide the same,its an American patent i found which carries no validity here...they would patent a fart if they thought it smelled different.

what always makes me wary of anything like this is the failure of the person to respond to awkward factual questions and fail to actually show the said device.

the site says 2012 copyright and 4 years later still not in production? think that probably says the most about it!

Again Gordon H where are the images of this awesome device?

Re patent just googled it,and its all there for you to see .
any images anywhere?

well after searcjing the internet and watching several videos to see if there were any visual evidence of this wonder device i have decided there is none.

Also i note it that it doesn't really seem to be a true shooters eye view as that would be the dominant eye and this seems to be above and towards the centre.

Just more snake oil!

I think where this one differs from the usual bolt-on shot cams is that the view is from the shooters eye perspective, not strapped underneath the barrel. Would be interested in seeing how it mounts without interfering with the shooters view of the target.

So like the "eye cam" that sunrise productions have been using for years in their video / DVD production of the various disciplines.


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