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i will ask next time i see him.
Yes please do Ian, I would be very interested to know what he thinks about the current target situation. You could also ask him when he is going back to that proper gun of his...the Miroku!!! :laugh:

Good for you Ian!!!! However if Mr Peel hit 89???? He is a man who has shot 200 straight at ABT as far as I remember, how hard has ABT become one must wonder?????
i was there when he did it. English open at cheddar 98 i think it was, i was shooting in north of England team.

Ok will ask him that as well, just for you :)

i was there when he did it. English open at cheddar 98 i think it was, i was shooting in north of England team.
You lucky sod, I wish I'd been there!!!! 98??? Blimey was it that long ago!!!!!!!!????

You lucky sod, I wish I'd been there!!!! 98??? Blimey was it that long ago!!!!!!!!????
yes i know time flies do it not :(

Huge cheer (obviously) after his final line. Wish i could find the scores somewere cos cant remember what i did or what scores were generally but i bet they were higher than the average these days.

yes i know time flies do it not :(

Huge cheer (obviously) after his final line. Wish i could find the scores somewere cos cant remember what i did or what scores were generally but i bet they were higher than the average these days.
Back in those days even I could hit into the 90's without too many problems, and that was ABT and OT, but I can't bloody do it now mate! I can't say that I did it every time and I can't say that it was easy either, but it did at least seem "possible" back then. Only Fred will know the difference on stats between now and then, he must have stacks of info laying about in his house!!!

Me too pal 90s were quite often high 80s were usual. Cant seem to hit a cows arse with a pan these days :)

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Me too pal 90s were quite often high 80s were usual. Cant seem to hit a cows arse with a pan these days :)
I often wish we had things the way they were and that I could still get Winchester Trap 200's!  I reckon it all went off track once we had the introduction of 24grm loads, I got on OK with 28's. In fact the first 24's I tried, which I think were some sort of Maionchi's, knocked ten shades of sh*te out of me as I remember, so did the early RC 24grm trap loads, but they did improve, at which point I stopped being able to get hold of the things!!!! So next year we cannot have plated shot, so Fred tells me, and how long is it going to be before they tell us to shoot steel I wonder? OK a lot of VERY good scores have been posted with 24grm loads, but could they have been better with the old schemes and 28grm loads? We will never find out mate. There have been times when I stood a better chance of hitting the clays with the butt of the gun, never mind shooting it. Maybe we have just become a pair of grumpy old gits Ian!!!! :biggrin:


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