This was the first time in 30yrs of competitive trap that I had ever had to wear wellies to shoot in. On some stands you were in 4" of water. Not the grounds fault as it was torrential. Further embarrassment ensued when the motorhome (now sunk in mud past its rims) had to be unceremoniously towed off by a land rover kindly sent to our rescue by Mr Hendry. two day old EELL now had ruined stock as mr Beretta decided that a 12.5K gun did not need to have any oil applied. Mr gmk in trade stand took the brunt of my unhappiness.
Last year we drove home with our sodden muddy trousers rolled up to our knees & no shoes or socks on. I have boots, gaiters, leggings & long socks already in the car for this year !!
And in case of losing you can vanish easy because of the camo. Under the dry suit you can wear a little black dress or dinner jacket in case of winning (see True Lies).
You mean to tell me that you are going to chance it AGAIN Ian???? Anyway, I've had enough of trying to return to DTL, I'm going back to OT, even if it does mean I have to travel to Cheddar to do it!!!
I reckon it will be ok as long as I wear me new dog walking wellies or as my gunshop called them on selling them to me yesterday "neoprene water proof footwear" and my full waterproofs me hat and of course NOT use the eell
this is propper shooting oop north style just like old days before southern OT poofters made hard as nails northeners expect nay demand covered layouts even for English trap which is DTL.