Cartridges for OT

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That's why the little flying saucers are illegal, as is cubic shot and "spreader" devices ie cruciforms.

How can you legislate against poorly formed shot in the first place? I wasn't aware shot could be cubic, much less that it is banned/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-smile.gif/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-embarassed.gif. I know we can't get hold of spreader loads easily over here but I didn't think they were banned? They only work with tight chokes in any case, so the answer is to open up a bit if you want more spread.

Shot must be of one size, sferical and of lead alloy ie no hevishots. If spreaders were allowed everybody would use them up to 20yds, station 8 skeet would be a must. When Petrov used stratified charges the kills looked like full choke. disco and cubic are pressed that way. In recent times ISSF have increased the maximum trap shot size from 2.5mm [english 6.5 already] to 2.6 [english 6s]. Do you see a steel pellet coming? Has Elvis left the building. In germany Redshot is illegal [not recyclable] Will Henry tell me if that is why Blackshot exists. Why not nickelplate lead for ducks? Oh well back to OT.

40UP said:

Shot must be of one size, sferical and of lead alloy ie no hevishots.If spreaders were allowed everybody would use them up to 20yds, station 8 skeet would be a must.    That just about makes all commercial loads dodgy to say the least then /wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-wink.gif, if you've ever opened up any you'll notice even the better ones contain a mix of 7.5 and 8 etc, sometimes three sizes /wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-smile.gif. Spreaders don't work any better than slipping a Cylinder choke in so hardly cheating. 
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We need a spreader test! It may surprise readers of this thread that British shooters have on occasion been sent home for being overweight....the technical jury have scales.

If anyone can let me know the make and availability of any over here I'll try and order a few boxes, love messing about me./wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-smile.gif

Hit the Rottweil site - not much point going to Ruag not user friendly. Worldsporting seem likely for supply. "steel disperseur" anyone? Poly-cubic! A dead parakeet.

Just get some Eley VIP shot 7 or RC4  7.5  24 gram they both do a great job if you want a bit cheaper go for RC2 24gram 7.5 You will find that 24gram will do a fine job and Ed Ling uses them for UT as well when he could use 28gram and he is a world champion.

Spreaders are illegal in international competition. Most in the Uk would not know what they are. Well done 40UP. One of the best 'legal' spreaders was a reverse wad Mary Arm cartridge . Cannot remember the name but it was blue and deadly on those close range French FITASC sporting birds that end up around your ankles :)Another good 'legal' spreader was Bornaghi Bior. You cannot get them here. But they are effective in certain circumstances :) :)

40 UP. I was stopped mid competition in Bologna last year (Europeans) and cartridge tested. Apart from the fact that the tester did the test wrongly (but we will let that one go ....) he took two cartridges out if my pocket sealed them in an envelope which I them signed along with my signature on his list. As I was continuing to my next stand the tester said 'Nicola I hope I have not distracted you by this test' to which I replied 'Nope!.........I shoot Fiocchi.....they are Italian factory made if you find any problem ......go see is what we call in English.....No Skin off My Nose'He left confused obviously trying to understand the English ........ I left giggling.

I do not know what a "speader" is in this context, Nic. I had other thoughts which I won't go into on a family website. Seriously, what is it?

Spreader is the term, I think, for a cartridge that disperses the pattern greatly. i.e wont hit anything distant, but much easier (but chippy) on close stuff. CSC3

Users of factory cartridges have been sent home for being overweight - half a gram measured by volume as all loading machines do can lead to careless mishap though if lead's so expensive you'd expect caution. I presume the stacking space of different shot sizes needs different measures as well. Mr Heading says cartridges are normally taken from the barrel [false pockets] but you can be ambushed between 6 and 1.

Spot on 40UP. The shooter should be allowed to load and as they are going to shoot they are them stopped, the gun is opened and the cartridges are taken out and bagged. That way they know the shooter intended to use them. I tested him even further be cause when he said cartridge test, I said ok and reached into my pockets and produced two , smiling. He said no thank you, I have to choose. :) :)He got that bit right :)

Excuse iPhone posting. I cannot alter the mistakes.....sorry :)

On a referee's suspicion I'm told of a skeet shooter throwing unfired cartridges down the range but that smacks of desperation. Spreaders used on station 7 I believe - those 2 extra shells skeet shooters have on their vest?

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