Cartridges ?

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Hey Les, I was using a mix of RedShot and Oro last weekend both 24gm. The Oro are firmer in the shoulder than RedShot make of that what you will. I came in contact with the Olympic skeet shooters who seem to have an obsession with choke. They swear their patterns get tighter as a single round progresses and one walks the ground rodding his barrels another has a chamber brush on a rechargeable drill and keeps giving it a whirr. Come to think of it I've seen sporting shooters keep winding their finger round in the barrel.
Blimey Fred never heard of that before!

Having said in another post that I have been out of shooting for a year so I was really hacked off to find that my local club, Beverley had stopped selling Fiocchi carts. Now it is Cheddites, not keen but thought I would try them. Just finished the second 250 case and I confess they are fine on DTL, OT, UT and sporting in the limited amount of clays I have shot but I would prefer F-Blu or F-Blac any day just a long distance to the nearest gun shop to get some. Bugger


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I am with you there Phil, I too like Fiocchi however chedite are a perfectly good cartridge and as you know its better to shoot what you can source locally. Only tried the universal but apparently the Oro are very good (oro ... I thought that was a biscuit) :)

I am with you there Phil, I too like Fiocchi however chedite are a perfectly good cartridge and as you know its better to shoot what you can source locally. Only tried the universal but apparently the Oro are very good (oro ... I thought that was a biscuit) :)
I am going to try the bicuits next eerrr carts


nice one .




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1st you lick it then you dunk it :)

God I need to get out more :)

Ladies & Gents

I have removed a derogatory comment on this thread. By all means have a joke and enjoy the fluffy rabbits but please keep it clean.

Thanks for that. 

I'll add another +1 for the Trap d'oros - have used those in the past for Sporting and a tiny bit of Trap and found them to be an excellent shell.

Who gives a toss what everyone likes....I like my men to be a bit on the basis of your very nice looking gun you are currently my favourite xx

Hmmmmm - you should check out my gun

I've always wondered about the things folks obsess about.  The Holy Cart is a special one.  I admit that it is only opinion, but it seems to me that anything produced commercially and marketed to a fairly small segment of society is subject to a relatively intense scrutiny.  So in those markets pricepoint constraints pretty much rule quality.  That being said I would suppose that more $ buys more quality of components.  But then, add $ on name recognition and you can be back to square one.

And then, it's only a shotgun.  The general thot is that the hardest shot give the best patterns - hence the nic stuff at a primium.  It's been my experience that for short range (skeet, DTL) just about anything breaks the target if I do my part.  Fast/slow, big/small, premium new/junk reloads.   

Like was mentioned, put a buncha different kinds in your pocket and see if you can tell the dif w/out looking at it.  Over here, if I shoot factory I shoot Federal.  Competitive price at any level, and as soft as they get for any particular load, and the Perazzis love them.  But the Perazzis are cart whores, they will shoot just anything better than I can.

good luck

I tried out Cheddite ORO 24grm 7.5, really really nice. Hard hitting and very little recoil so that is me sorted and ex stock at Beverley. I also had a couple of rounds with  a Perazzi MX8-----------------------------------------in love again


Have to agree about the Oro's tried them today and they excellent. Perceived recoil was a bit harder to me than UT cheddites or Fblu. Really impressive breaks, and a nice gold box for those that like those things.....(can't find the emoticons !)

Have to agree about the Oro's tried them today and they excellent. Perceived recoil was a bit harder to me than UT cheddites or Fblu. Really impressive breaks, and a nice gold box for those that like those things.....(can't find the emoticons !)
Yep good to have a nice box and nice colour shells too!!! I use empty boxes to make my side blinders, mainly because it seems hard to get side blinders these days for some reason. I used to get hold of RC side blinders, they used to be given away at various shops and grounds, they were great because they were made of very thin plastic and lasted for ages, most other ones were made from the same material as used to make cartridge boxes.

Nice one Les !
Rich,once you get used to using blinders it feels very strange to shoot without the things! My shooting specs came with clip on blinders but for some reason I don't like he things but I've no idea why!! I guess its what you get used I suppose. my target shooting I use blinders and an eye blank so I know where your coming from . Can't wait untill next Saturday to try my new specs


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