From the CPSA website:
Following a review of the classification system to improve its effectiveness going forward, the following changes have been ratified by the CPSA Board of Directors for implementation from 1st December 2019.
All references below to 'targets' for classification purposes means both 'registered' and 'adjusted' targets. These changes apply in any given discipline.
In summary:
• There will be four classification issues per year
• Classifications from unclassified will need a minimum of 300 targets to be achieved
• To go down a class will need a minimum of 600 targets
• It will only be possible to go down one class over a period of 24 months
• Classifications will be reset to unclassified where no registered scores have been submitted for 36 months
• The highest classification will always be used for a competition where it spans issues
• Classifications will be able to be reviewed on request by the moderating panel
The information below highlights the changes being implemented together with the rule changes and references within Booklet One CPSA General and Technical Rules. Therefore, this information also acts as an addendum document to the rules with effect from the above date.
1. Increase classification frequency to 'quarterly', with four classification issues per year: 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December instead of two issues per year.
2. Increase the minimum number of targets needed to gain any classification from 100 adjusted targets to 300 adjusted targets.
[Rule 4.1]
“Classifications are calculated every three months with implementation on 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December each year.
These classifications are calculated using scores submitted from the previous 12 month rolling shooting periods that end on 31st January, 30th April, 30th July and 31st October respectively. The percentage cut-off points for the classes in the various disciplines will be altered. As an example, classifications that commence on 1st December will be calculated using scores shot between 1st November and 31st October.
All registered scores from the above shooting periods and received at CPSA HQ by 7th February, 7th May, 7th August and 7th November respectively, will be used towards classifications in the next period. Members who have an official classification in a given discipline will shoot in that class whenever they enter a Registered event in that discipline. Members who are “unclassified” will be given a temporary classification for that day and event only, in accordance with paragraph 4.2.
To become a “classified” shooter, from unclassified, a member must shoot a minimum of 300 Registered targets in any specific discipline during a 12 month period prior to 31st January, 30th April, 30th July or 31st October.”
3. Increase minimum number of targets for downward class movement from 300 to 600 (adjusted targets).
4. Increase downward class movement restriction from 12 months to 24 months.
[Rule 4.4 b]
“b) A member may only go down a class provided they have a minimum of 600 targets counting towards their new Adjusted average in any shooting period. Downward movement will be restricted to only ONE class per 24 month period.”
5. Allow classifications to be reset to unclassified for members who have not recorded a registered score for 36 months.
[Rule 4.4 c, 4.4 d]
“c) Members will have their classification in any given discipline reset to ‘unclassified’ where no registered scores are recorded within a 36 month period.
d) Once a classification has been obtained, it can only be altered as per the above. Even if a member allows their CPSA membership to lapse, details of their classification will be retained.”
6. New rule to define which classification must be used where a classification changes during a fixture / competition.
[Rule 4.2]
“Where a competition spans a classification implementation date the member will be given the higher of the classifications based on the first day and last day of the competition.”
7. Introduction of a formal classification review procedure and moderating panel.
Should you have any questions regarding these changes please email
Following a review of the classification system to improve its effectiveness going forward, the following changes have been ratified by the CPSA Board of Directors for implementation from 1st December 2019.
All references below to 'targets' for classification purposes means both 'registered' and 'adjusted' targets. These changes apply in any given discipline.
In summary:
• There will be four classification issues per year
• Classifications from unclassified will need a minimum of 300 targets to be achieved
• To go down a class will need a minimum of 600 targets
• It will only be possible to go down one class over a period of 24 months
• Classifications will be reset to unclassified where no registered scores have been submitted for 36 months
• The highest classification will always be used for a competition where it spans issues
• Classifications will be able to be reviewed on request by the moderating panel
The information below highlights the changes being implemented together with the rule changes and references within Booklet One CPSA General and Technical Rules. Therefore, this information also acts as an addendum document to the rules with effect from the above date.
1. Increase classification frequency to 'quarterly', with four classification issues per year: 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December instead of two issues per year.
2. Increase the minimum number of targets needed to gain any classification from 100 adjusted targets to 300 adjusted targets.
[Rule 4.1]
“Classifications are calculated every three months with implementation on 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December each year.
These classifications are calculated using scores submitted from the previous 12 month rolling shooting periods that end on 31st January, 30th April, 30th July and 31st October respectively. The percentage cut-off points for the classes in the various disciplines will be altered. As an example, classifications that commence on 1st December will be calculated using scores shot between 1st November and 31st October.
All registered scores from the above shooting periods and received at CPSA HQ by 7th February, 7th May, 7th August and 7th November respectively, will be used towards classifications in the next period. Members who have an official classification in a given discipline will shoot in that class whenever they enter a Registered event in that discipline. Members who are “unclassified” will be given a temporary classification for that day and event only, in accordance with paragraph 4.2.
To become a “classified” shooter, from unclassified, a member must shoot a minimum of 300 Registered targets in any specific discipline during a 12 month period prior to 31st January, 30th April, 30th July or 31st October.”
3. Increase minimum number of targets for downward class movement from 300 to 600 (adjusted targets).
4. Increase downward class movement restriction from 12 months to 24 months.
[Rule 4.4 b]
“b) A member may only go down a class provided they have a minimum of 600 targets counting towards their new Adjusted average in any shooting period. Downward movement will be restricted to only ONE class per 24 month period.”
5. Allow classifications to be reset to unclassified for members who have not recorded a registered score for 36 months.
[Rule 4.4 c, 4.4 d]
“c) Members will have their classification in any given discipline reset to ‘unclassified’ where no registered scores are recorded within a 36 month period.
d) Once a classification has been obtained, it can only be altered as per the above. Even if a member allows their CPSA membership to lapse, details of their classification will be retained.”
6. New rule to define which classification must be used where a classification changes during a fixture / competition.
[Rule 4.2]
“Where a competition spans a classification implementation date the member will be given the higher of the classifications based on the first day and last day of the competition.”
7. Introduction of a formal classification review procedure and moderating panel.
Should you have any questions regarding these changes please email