chinese UT

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
Beverley are advertising the above shoot tomorrow and even the most knowledgeable shooters I have spoken to today do not know what it is so can someone please put us out of our misery and explain what the heck it is ???

Fortune cookies instead of clays?

I once shot Ritz Biscuits for a bit of fun. Don't fly too well but saves having to eat the damn things!!  :nyam:

Is that all, and here we are thinking it was some elaborate scoring system or such like.

if thats the case count me in I like chinese :)

Try to ensure you don't order a no.13 followed by a 16, then a 14 with a 17 to finish. Or you will bust your average!  :sarcastichand:

UT to be shot from skeet pegs ! not sure if all 7 or 8 to be used or just the middle 5 allegedly, they also doing the same with DTL, just a one off Christmas shoot

Thanks for the info.

Sounds bloody weird :)
