Can I just clarify much shooting have you done ? I am currently Instructing a couple of people (1 being my Grandson). They have had several lessons, my Grandson has been shooting for a few years but due to his education (academic variety)getting in the way, he has not done a lot of shooting. These guys are still shooting 'gun up'. My view being, until they can hit targets with a reasonable degree of success, WHY introduce shooting gun down and further complicate the issue ? Once I feel they are ready to shoot with the gun out of their shoulder, it will be on a 'dustbin lid' of a target, that comes in towards them, stalling at about 25 yards out. This will give them plenty of time to mount and shoot, thus avoiding the rush of gun to shoulder and making a hash of things, possibly not mounting the gun correctly and getting hurt into the bargain. English Sporting rules allow the gun to be pre mounted.........use them !
I have concentrated more on 'hold point' and 'kill point' and it seems to be working. My Grandson is now shooting in high 50' to mid 60's ex 100. He is happy with that and so am I.......for now.