Since I first shot game on my first beaters day about 16 years ago I have always used 1/4 & 1/2 choke and 30gram 6` fiber and for that shoot it was fine....
This year though I had two beaters days on two local shoots run by the same game keeper with far better birds with greater hight and distances involved. Day one I was using my normal combination for clay of 3/8ths in both barrels for the happy medium between 1/4 & 1/2 and I was using my normal load of 30gram 6`s, I just wasnt totally happy with the down range effect on pheasants.
Day two I tried two changes..... 1/2 choke in both barrels and 32gram 5`s, I perceived a notable difference, only one bird not cleanly killed the rest were dead in the air and to back this up I had my best ever shot on a hen bird on the last drive of this day (yesterday), My neibouring gun confessed after he thought I wasting my time shooting as the bird was along way up and out.... Until the bird fell, I could have danced on the spot but the bird had held a nice line and my estimated led for once was bob on.
So next year I will be using 1/2 & 1/2 choke and size 5 shot in 30ram or 32gram.
For my pigeon shooting though I will remain with 3/8ths in both barrels and 30gram 6`s.