Clay shooting as a none member of the CPSA

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We have been down this road before, Birds only shooters can become high gun and are eligible to win trophies, titles or donated prizes, including specific sponsored cash, either as overall winners or in their class or category.

Anybody actually seen it happen though?

May I please ask " has anyone ever claimed on the Cpsa insurance " or " has anyone ever claimed on a shooting grounds insurance " ?????

Steady Steve, after first half at Westfield last time out I might try a claim for emotional injury :nyam:   

PURBECK shooting school will let anyone shoot there, as they make you pay for insurance.
Birds only should be just that, any prizes money or other wise should be down to those who have entered the competition.

Insurance claims, I know of only one and the insurance company made a claim against the ground to recover the payout.
To be honest what do expect of the policy have you read what it does cover and the exclusions stated.

Interesting debate

Good point on the insurance cover, many of you have adequate insurance cover with your household policies if only you contacted your insurer and asked.

Others such as Sporting Shooter Association can provide cover for £17-95 per annum.

 But make sure you do have cover against any possible mishap.

With regard to competing for prize money I would have thought that if you had paid into the pot you ought to be eligible for prize money if you win it whether you are in the CPSA or not. The competitors, ground owner and sponsors will make up the prize fund not the CPSA.

We have been down this road before, Birds only shooters can become high gun and are eligible to win trophies, titles or donated prizes, including specific sponsored cash, either as overall winners or in their class or category.

Anybody actually seen it happen though?
So, as a non-CPSA member, if I won the British Open Sporting would they let me take that Daily Telegraph Trophy home, give me the sponsored cash and the use of the sponsored 4x4 for the year? I think not.

Beats me why people waste a fiver for competion entry to pay for the same benefits as "birds only".

It seems things have really changed within the CPSA since I was last a member.

Does anyone from the cpsa ever read these forums to realise the discontent among its many members ( including myself ) or perhaps they do and just think xxxx em all we only want their money, they ( shooters ) are so disorganised to ever do anything about it.
I'm afraid over the years the cpsa has become a monster it's owners ( us ) can no longer control.
Maybe it's time to put it down


are the top dogs at cpsa shooters as used to be the case or is it ran on a corporate level these days ?

If you are interested put there names into the scores.....see how many are not members of the association they run.

So, as a non-CPSA member, if I won the British Open Sporting would they let me take that Daily Telegraph Trophy home, give me the sponsored cash and the use of the sponsored 4x4 for the year? I think not.

Beats me why people waste a fiver for competion entry to pay for the same benefits as "birds only".

It seems things have really changed within the CPSA since I was last a member.
If you take the time to read the rule book you will find out who is eligible to win prizes :good:  

No, you couldn't take the trophy home, the CPSA don't allow anyone to take high value trophies home. It's a photograph only i'm afraid.

Are not most of these insurance policies not a (last ditch) type of policy? If you have alternative insurance as Salop mentioned they should be first in line if you need to make a claim.

Chris B said:
The only negative I can see with this, is would the non member have any sort of insurance or would the onus be put on the ground owner.
CPSA Day Pass
We don't encourage day passes for our registered competitions, which are either trap or skeet - not ESP. The day pass does not include public liability insurance for the day pass competitor, either from the CPSA or the ground.

Here's my take on it we run ( myself and Allison ) roughly 65 competition shoots a year , generally they are 100 bird reg but on occasions we run shoots as not reg , like the old fashioned "open" the first question we get asked is why are they not reg , we want to shoot reg shoots and I will say open entries will be less than reg shoot entries with exception to the classic and Essex masters

So for all the moaning about Cpsa people want their score reg , fact .

Prize money , we see a lot of non Cpsa shooters attend shoots and we let them shoot , but they pay birds only fee and are no way eligible for any prizes , high guns , sponsored or any other , we have had numerous talks with Cpsa on the subject and we find folks will shoot 5 or 6 times see results and prize money think I want a bit of that and join Cpsa

While I'm here can I just poke the hornets nest a little more please ?????

Who thinks Cpsa membership fee is expensive ??

Well something occurred to me the other day I use my local garage to buy magazines occasionally which cost £4.50each approx so if you bought pull mag @ £4.50 x 10 £45 so could argue membership fee is £20 year if you buy shooting mags anyway , I for one don't think that's too bad !!!!!

Doors open careful of low flying objects !!!!!


Here's my take on it we run ( myself and Allison ) roughly 65 competition shoots a year , generally they are 100 bird reg but on occasions we run shoots as not reg , like the old fashioned "open" the first question we get asked is why are they not reg , we want to shoot reg shoots and I will say open entries will be less than reg shoot entries with exception to the classic and Essex masters

So for all the moaning about Cpsa people want their score reg , fact .

Prize money , we see a lot of non Cpsa shooters attend shoots and we let them shoot , but they pay birds only fee and are no way eligible for any prizes , high guns , sponsored or any other , we have had numerous talks with Cpsa on the subject and we find folks will shoot 5 or 6 times see results and prize money think I want a bit of that and join Cpsa

While I'm here can I just poke the hornets nest a little more please ?????

Who thinks Cpsa membership fee is expensive ??

Well something occurred to me the other day I use my local garage to buy magazines occasionally which cost £4.50each approx so if you bought pull mag @ £4.50 x 10 £45 so could argue membership fee is £20 year if you buy shooting mags anyway , I for one don't think that's too bad !!!!!

Doors open careful of low flying objects !!!!!


So you don't abide by the rules then for registered shoots?

As in section 1.4 and 1.5 in the General Rules booklet Steve.

is their a rule book then ???????

just to clarify non cpsa members cant win anything ..

cpsa members who shoot birbs only at my shoots cannot win money or high gun title, they can however win badges or sponsored prizes if the sponsor so wishes (personnally i think they should only shoot as practice as its just not the same competion conditions as everyone else ) 

should rules be changed and cancel all birds only ?


For £4-50 I buy a shooting mag NOT a shooting rag such as PULL. Clay Shooter for free is a far better magazine. So therefore I think that CPSA membership is a total waste of time. I do have to say the association  have a brilliant number of staff who actually do a brilliant job in spite of the most dreadful management I have had the misfortune to have tried to deal with in over 50 years in business. 

Many of us can remember bad days with Boakes, Blaney, and Orduna but I doubt they were ever as bad as the current Munch Bunch.

It would be very interesting to see how many new members Bobby Watkins signs per annum versus how many do not renew the following year. This next few months should be very interesting with renewals.

 Why else would the membership remain at 23,000 if we have  active membership promotions ? 

But perhaps we are talking at cross purposes? Competition shooters will not begrudge the membership fee because in the general picture it is an insignificant amount to pay to enable them to compete. But I have always complained about the management of the association and it's affairs and the growth of our sport which is practically none existant. We are treated with disdain by our Board.
