So you’re not going to complete it , you think those that our organisations are useful idiots . What exactly are you going to do to try to protect shooting ? Care to enlighten us . Are you a member of any shooting organisation ? and have you written to them or discussed your views with one of the regional representatives at a Championship shoot or Game Fair ?
Calling cops ‘ Turds’ on social media is a great way to represent shooters ! Thanks a bunch
Now let’s see … having read through your post - you’re not a Freeman of the Land by any chance ?
First, my comments and opinions are my own observations which are probably far more reaching than yours, and i never stated i represent shooters, and i care not one bit for those with egos who are easily offended, and even less for those who project false virtues.
Second, when the Police aren't protecting paedophiles, painting their vehicles in rainbows and glitter to push subversive degenerate narratives that are eroding decent societal family values, or are protecting criminals they go after law abiding folk because there's revenue to collect. So please know I was showing kind restraint by using 'turd'. The Police are without a doubt a failed and corrupted institution in the UK (Cresida Dick just one example).
I've been a member of the main shooting orgs for many years and long enough to know they are always run by the self interested - every shooting org is the same in that respect so discussing anything with them is a waste of time. Any individual or organisation / team who fails to fully investigate or research the basis, claims, and intentions of something so fundamentally wrong as what the consultation is indicating is definitely a useful idiot at best, but probably a moron, and at worst like 'lord' coe. Its the truth and i won't sugar coat it because you've been programmed to only accept info in a PC way. So yes, especially the fools who simply follow others like sheep with the basc and cpsa acting like Judas goats on these matters. Done, done, done - yeah well done! People never learn even after covid.
Your 'freeman of the land' quip is not only wrong but shows ignorance and prejudice and i dont know who the hell you think you are. Its not my job to 'enlighten you' its your own responsibility to enlighten yourself, because cpsa and basc arent going to help you, and this is the problem in the UK people are easily divided and conquered, and most are programmed to depend on the system and think its someone else's job to help or sort their problems - its always someone else's responsibility / fault. Well on this issue we all need to take responsibility for our own affairs and knowledge of law and rights is power here. Lawyers are irrelevant when you understand common law. I'm showing you a door here, it leads to very useful info that not only protects you but will save you £thousands a year so go and research or risk losing your guns.
My direct communication may be curt but I do not apologise because its necessary. I'm honest, truthful and genuinely hope my post helps at least one shooter snap out of their docile slumber on this issue, because every time this issue comes up you all walk into it like compliant little zombies, and the police over reaches that bit more. Its a long game played over decades and clearly they are only winning because most people are ignorant and apathetic. There are shooting grounds that councils have been given the consent and power to close them down out of the ground owners ignorance of what's lawful over the illusion of what's legal. Its incredibly sad and frustrating watching people do this and not taking the right advice.
What am i doing to protect shooting? Well the only thing I can do as an individual to protect shooting is to bring to everyone's attention the need for all shooters to research and realise the key matters of what is lawful and what is legal, the differences between the two, and what the police can and cannot do.
The magna carta and common law (law of the land) takes primacy over Admiralty law (necromancy / blacks law), which is what 'acts' are all based on. Law abiding Shooters who understand common law jurisdiction will have more success in safeguarding their property if their position is challenged by an over reaching Police Force.
And remember, the home office and the police work for us, they are funded by us. It's high time this clown show ends.