I grew up in a time when schoolkids looked forward to icy weather so that they could make massive slides in the playground. Sometimes of course they would fall down and bash their head on the ground or break a wrist. Normally this resulted in their parents giving them a bollocking and sending them to bed without any supper. :wink: Suing the school or the LEA for negligence was never even considered. Consequently I have a deep and abiding loathing for well paid petty beaurocrats and mandarins dedicated to inventing ways to control things that don't need controlling. And I don't care whether it's some jobsworth in the local council issuing fines to people who put out 2 bags of rubbish instead of the regulation single bag, or the police closing a motorway for 5 hours because 2 cars collided and grazed the Armco.
I do agree that guns with release triggers should carry an indicator because in theory the ref is supposed to take charge of a gun when there's a fail to fire and therefore does need to know, but IMO the CPSA should not be kowtowing to the ISSF.
It's okay for the Europeans, they love being regulated, they absolutely thrive on it, but we like our independence and the CPSA should be supporting Englands clay shooters and grow a pair.