I have been using the Howard Leights since I got a pair with a subscription to the Field magazine, just over 12 months ago. I had used most of the electronic varieties and had settled on the Cens digitals. All of the 'can' variations had clanked on the gunstock when mounting the gun or where unusable because of the wind noise. I am deaf, so the amplification of sound is of significant importance. I then had a problem with the Cens and ended up paying a bill which was more than a new pair of Cens passives. Because I need amplified sound when instructing, I started using the Howard Leights. They have been superb. There is no clanking of gun on ear cup, I can hold a coversation whilst wearing them, they are comfortable to wear and I am still on the original batteries after 12 months usage. I have seen them for £50 on the auction site and I think that is excellent value for money.