Double trap cancelled............

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2012
does naybody know why the DT at both Nuthampstead and beverley are postponed.? The press release says circumstances beyond our control which could let in post olympic rule changes as a reason. Are there further rule changes to come for DT ?

Without any inside information, speculation has it there's a possibility of 3pairs each stand any 2 from 3 traps at DT and 75 x one barrel plus final for OT. No idea on skeet at all but you'd have to go harder to stop perfect scores.

HI 40UP, i head the similar for DT, 3 pairs from each stand still thrown as a scheme but random order and with no delay. Why should they cancel the DT selection shoots and not the OT or OSK though ?

Perhaps the only thing they can do with skeet is to make the targets harder so you have to centre the pattern to break them ?

Took your advice about going for a 1/2 choke at OT thanks, very happy with it. Just trying out some Fiocchi Fblu that everybodies talking about which seem very smooth.

Changes to the finals, the course of fire and the presentation of DTR targets.

D Wathen told me that they have not yet had confirmation of these proposed changes and that they have not got the boxes in the UK which have been modified for the new standard. They barely had two squads for SC and non of the squad intend to shoot selections before October.

We will have to see what the future holds. I heard also that they are letting women back watch out boys if that is true. L.O.L.

thats true.......the future looks pretty bleak at the moment for DT, which is a shame having had so much success in the discipline as a country at Olympic and World cup level. For all the success it hasn't ignited any enthusiasm in the country, even in olympic year. No legacy for DT in this country except perhaps letting women back in Nicola........

i think its a real shame there isnt more interest in DT or OT for that matter. seems to be far less people shooting it.

Would they consider reducing OT to a single day event as the logistics of 2 days possibly creates barriers to entry for many whom otherwise might shoot it if not for the expontential costs in an already expensive sport.

just my 2c

75 x one barrel plus final would be a one day event which makes TV cover easier. Hope a 10 target medal match no carry forward doesn't catch on in OT. Rule changes follow the all-delegates meeting after the Olympics and the rulebook lasts then for four years. Then comes the four year funding cycle depending on our medal potential for Brazil. Let's leave our athletes to do their best in London and not crowd them with our expectations. It's hard enough without the world watching over your shoulder.

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that's really interesting, i didnt realise rule changes were sanctioned in that way. So there are no changes confirmed until after the olympics, there could even be no changes at all. It's understandable why the selection shoots were cancelled then, although they were probably always going to be difficulties with timings and potential rule changes.

do you think its the drive to create a TV friendly package that drives the changes or the belief that competitors shouldn't be shooting such high scores ?

hi Nicola,I do shoot DT whenever I can, i think its a great discipline (although intensely frustrating at times) and a real shame its never really got a following in the UK

Dyosk, I cannot find you in the BICTSF rankings, or Cpsa. Do you just shoot it for fun or are you thinking of joining the Cpsa and doing competitions?

I am looking forward to them letting women back in because I quite like shooting it, but I am no where near sharp enough for it.

Nicola, i shoot it for fun at the moment, just rejoined the cpsa after a year off due to work. I had a look too and all my OSK scores have gone too. I was planning to do the northern regions at beverley, then Bev adn Nuthampstead. So more time for me to practise now.

I am looking forward to them letting women back in because I quite like shooting it, but I am no where near sharp enough for it.
No women in DT??? is this just at Olympic level or "our" level. Reason I ask is Mrs fuz really fancies doing the Oxon DT county champs (had a go at OLSS and loved it)

No women in DT??? is this just at Olympic level or "our" level. Reason I ask is Mrs fuz really fancies doing the Oxon DT county champs (had a go at OLSS and loved it)
County champs and EO are ok.......and I think the British is ok as well Fuzzy. Just the international scene where we are excluded......but not for long.

Dyosk, shame you are not in Berkshire you could have made our numbers up at he CC (wink)!

'Scuse my ignorance of all things "olympic" but am I right in thinking men shoot more targets for OT and DT than women? How would this work re squads if we want to shoot together?

'Scuse my ignorance of all things "olympic" but am I right in thinking men shoot more targets for OT and DT than women? How would this work re squads if we want to shoot together?
Fuzzy that is only for selection shoots / international shoots...............for county championships everyone is on the same quantity of targets.

OT is 100 birds (4 rounds of 25)

DTR is 150 birds (3 rounds of 50)

try and get to NCSC for Berkshire CC in DTR and have a laugh as I am running that one.
