I had a good time yesterday. Met up with Nicky T, Ed Lyons and Jeremy (Jem0911) plus his wife Lorriane (or was it Elaine? I misheard at the start and didnt want to ask again!). Bit of a laugh and some nice targets.
I was on a 50% score by about 2/3s the way around, then only got like 5 targets on the last 4 stands (from about 40!). Was pretty exhausted by the end. All the picking up of different targets I found hard.
I tried shooting some stands trap-style i.e. shoot it as soon as I see it. It worked well on one bird, on one stand, a low incomer. Blasted them as soon as they appeared from the trees. Didnt work great on the rest!
682 performed well, I hit at least 1 of most targets. So it is possible to hit them, I just wasnt doing it consistently. All the targets were quite close so didnt get to use the advantages of the tight chokes too much.
Had a good time, with good company, and I'll defo head down there again, and the variety of sporting is fun, but I confirmed for myself I want to shoot mostly trap from now on