Get yourself down here mate,join in the fun.....we are now on a tornado warning of all things! Roofs have been torn off, doors and windows blown in, places with no power! But apart from that the beer still tastes decent! Thank god for small mercies!!!!
well what did you expect. They are pink with yellow polkadots!!Funny you should say that during our recent test day, 40up and I that is, he wanted to take a pic as proof but we were laughing to much as we waded through the mire that it was impossible.
I was quite safe in the pub mate, nearly got blown to bits when I went out for a *** though!!!! Never known such weather, some of the appartments on the sea front lost their roofs, some had their windows blown in, cars had windows smashed by shingle/stones lifted from the beach, bloody murder!!!!Wild up here to mate power been on and off. Was working in cumbria today the motor way was interesting. Stay safe mate keep away from trees and the promenade.
Just goes to show smoking really is bad for you, nearly got blown to bits when I went out for a *** though!!!!