DTL classic at Bywel

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
is anyone shooting this event in August. I note on the booking form that you can enter a squad. I am thinking of a shootclay squads perhaps????

matt might even be persuaded to supply team attire (or a badge at least.... Or we will accept money ?)

Yeah - I'm loaded from the income on this site...   i'll send badges if I get publicity!

that'll do matey, if we can get a squad together we can all sew on shootclay badges and that will be our team attire. Appreciate it ?

(no sarcasm meant, this is a sincere reply)


hats too, maybe

I'm going Ian 
great stuff Norman, howdya fancy a shootclay squad ??

Far be it from me too poo poo the idea but it's going to be very difficult to put any sort of squad together as all those going for England team places (which is just about everyone) are already squadded by the CPSA. Those that aren't going for the team will take the spare spaces around them, probably first and last thing.

well they would have to be shootclay members for it to be a credible squad so we will just have to wait and see if anyone else is going ?

Far be it from me too poo poo the idea but it's going to be very difficult to put any sort of squad together as all those going for England team places (which is just about everyone) are already squadded by the CPSA. Those that aren't going for the team will take the spare spaces around them, probably first and last thing.
Jan - Ian is talking about the August weekend not the June one  :wink:

You can count on me...........not to be there. Seeing you fannying around with your adjustable comb and rib would do my head in???

You can count on me...........not to be there. Seeing you fannying around with your adjustable comb and rib would do my head in???
What he really needs is an old mx10, where you could adjust comb height while walking from 5 to 1.....

It was so funny when they were the rage, watching people adjusting them as they walked the line.....

little red handled allen screw driver up through the underside adjusted the height without loosening anything....    a fiddlers dream come true...

well any takers to join me and Norman on a shootclay dtl squad ?
