DTL top or bottom first !

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Sep 5, 2024
Morning All, I like many others have traditionaly shot bottom barrel first at DTL, I have been reading an artical that since you shoot a bottom barrel first and if target missed the top barrel for the second shot, however since the clay may be starting to drop the bottom barrel would be better for the second shot with the reversal of chokes IE more open in the top and tighter in the bottom ! Anyone else follow that reasoning?
Regards to All.
The theory is where the barrels sit in relation to your shoulder and the extent to which either creates mussel flip when fired, and you ability to deal with it or want it. Get someone to video you to see how the barrels behave and how you react to them (if you must).

I have always shot bottom first but in sporting it makes sense top keep the flip to a minimum - if there is any difference and I really don't think there is.

With DTL much would depend on where you shoot the first barrel - is the clay rising - are you going to fire a second time quickly etc. It would be a personal choice based on what you would prefer to think the barrels are doing. I wouldn't though mess until you understand what you are doing by getting you head around what you want them to do.

It too easy however to overthink these things - an article by person X who has found it works for him doesn't mean it will make any difference for you particularly if X's 'problem' was in his head.
Hi, thank you your reply. Its not my personal problem, its just something I had read and wondered what other folks thought.....but thank you for the reply.
From what I know, the lower barrel first as it also does mean less stress on the action due to lower leverage forces.
The lower barrel is choked more open to get a wider pattern at lower distances for trap birds.
But if one likes to shoot the top barrel first and likes it... i doubt that any quality gun will be falling apart.
But also no advantage due to that. If you shoot the bird as it drops you are to slow.
The barrels are regulated to a certain distance to shoot together. and even if not: 1 inch difference in height at 40m distance...
Not relevant.
Thank you for your reply. The other day it was realy windy and the clay was going up and down like a yo yo, slow or not its difficult sometimes. I wonder if anyone shoots DTL with the top barrel first and more open choke than the bottom, be interesting to hear.
Morning All, I like many others have traditionaly shot bottom barrel first at DTL, I have been reading an artical that since you shoot a bottom barrel first and if target missed the top barrel for the second shot, however since the clay may be starting to drop the bottom barrel would be better for the second shot with the reversal of chokes IE more open in the top and tighter in the bottom ! Anyone else follow that reasoning?
Regards to All.

Always bottom barrel first. This better transmits recoil straight back into the shoulder and reduces the likelihood of muzzle flip. It’s not a game changer but shooting top barrel first will exacerbate any problems you have with your guns pitch.

There’s a lot of nonsense talked about set up and gun fit in the world of clay shooting but this is one area where a meaningful difference to performance and comfort can be made.