Ear protection

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2013
East Sussex

I use passive in ear protection but I also want to get a set of electronic over ear muffs but which ones.

I do have some Howard Leight Impact Sport muffs, usually worn by my son, but when I use them they always knock on the stock however I try and position them.

Does anyone know of any brands that are more compact and don't bang on the stock as I find that very off putting when mounting.

Or, should I just continue with in ear protection and invest in electronic ear plugs?

Thanks in advance for your views and experiences

Standard recommendation for Swatcoms from me which I believe are about as good a shape for non stock contact as any, plus they are great in other respects. But, again, the main reason many people clunk the stock is because their head is tilted over. Most peoples headphones will not hit the stock if the gun fits properly. Point the gun at a mirror. Are your eyes level with the floor and the barrels vertical? If not maybe you are deforming the mount to get the eye aligned with the rib, causing the stock contact. 

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Not really a scientific test but this morning I added 1/2 inch soft pad extension as an experiment when I popped out for a little private shoot with some friends.

The extension pushed my head back along the stock, my eyes seemed more level and I shot very well so perhaps the stock has been a little too short. I will still have my fit checked but thought this mornings experiment was interesting non the less.

With regards to the Howard Leights, I have owned most of the top makes of ear defenders but being deaf, I struggled to hear any conversation at all, when using them. However, the Howard Leights are the loudest that I have used. I have fitted gel pads to the ear cups and I can wear them for hours without any issues. I am a bring the gun to cheek and shoulder person, so contact with the stock is not an issue. I also have the CFG electronic in the ear plugs, which are great too.

I used Peltor Sportacs for a good 10 plus years - they are good with just one reservation and that's the pads that fit around your ears are a bit firm so one's shooting glasses frames create a gap for unwanted sound to leak in.

As always, there is a solution but it costs more money and that's MSA Sordin Supreme - https://www.sordin.com/supreme  these are available with a gel ear muff surround that is highly effective as well as comfortable to wear for extended periods.   It is worth shopping around as prices vary wildly for exactly the same thing.

Some years back I was shooting in a cage and happened to smoke a pair of targets - I heard through the Peltor Sportacs "he's got full choke in those barrels", as I left the cage I noted that the individual that had spoken was perhaps 20ft behind...so I said "quarter and half actually", we had a good laugh.

Thanks for the recommendations, I will investigate the above and then look at a purchase once my gun fit has been rectified and confirmed that 'can' style ear muffs fit me and don't bang on the stock.  I'll see what my local gun shops have in stock so that I can take my gun along and test fit some.

Interesting that no one has as yet mentioned in-ear sound protection.

Thanks for the recommendations, I will investigate the above and then look at a purchase once my gun fit has been rectified and confirmed that 'can' style ear muffs fit me and don't bang on the stock.  I'll see what my local gun shops have in stock so that I can take my gun along and test fit some.

Interesting that no one has as yet mentioned in-ear sound protection.
Er......yes I did. CFG are in the ear defenders. I got the 'ghetto blaster' version.........I need em  !    😂

On the in-ear sound protection - I have some custom moulded passive plugs (from:   https://customfitguards.com/)which I'll use in very hot weather.  There are in-ear electronic devices and then a permanent faff with fiddly hearing-aid batteries to test one's limited patience. 
Try living with the permanent 'faff' of hearing aids...........I can assure you,  You really do need decent hearing protection.  I have found the CFG plugs to be excellent and far superior to my now redundant Cens.

I didn't mention in ear protection because you wanted info on over ear protection, I highly recommend cfg digital's but I only use them in warmer weather as I don't like cold ears 👍
