EJ Churchill March ESP Reg. Date changed!

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Will Hewland

Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011
The ESP registered shoot that was scheduled for tomorrow, March 1st, has been postponed due to the forecast. It’s now on March 7th!

Entries 9-2pm, no booking, all welcome and hope it’s warmer by then!

WTF will we do if we actually get any bad weather!

Didn't think i would get out of the house this morning with that 1/2 inch snow drift...almost called in the army :D

WTF will we do if we actually get any bad weather!
When I were a lad we actually did get bad weather... The thing is that, despite sizeable snowfalls virtually every winter, the country didn't go into meltdown over an inch of snow or a couple of degrees of frost. Such weather was absolutely normal and everyone just pulled on a coat and gloves and got on with life. I don't remember my school ever being closed but I do remember the big freeze in 62/63. It all started with a huge snowstorm that caused drifts of up to 20 feet in places, then temperatures went down to -20C at the worst point and even the sea started to freeze. The whole thing lasted from late December to early March when the thaw finally arrived.

Apart from the fact that the Met Office and the media fuel widespread panic for days beforehand and during the bad weather, the idiots in the council depots go out with the gritters before it snows, which is about the worst thing they could do because it makes the roads about 10 times more treacherous than they would be if left alone. They didn't grit the roads in the 60s so of course everyone knew how to drive on snow, which is why I was able to travel the 13 miles each way to work by motorbike and not miss a single day throughout the whole 62/63 freeze.
