Electric ciggies

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
Looking to give up the weeds. again :angry: tried the electric fags a year or so back and found the batteries were garbage and wouldnt hold charge after a while, the refills were crap and didnt last. They are probably better now so any recomendations on brands? websites to buy from etc :)

Check out 'clear smoke' website. They have a free test option. I am puffing on one now and have not had a real cig since Portugal!!

They also have superking batteries now. I have 5 batteries and 2 are always on charge in either the car or the laptop. USB connection . Brill!!

They look like cigs too. I can recommend the Cherry medium strength.

Looking to give up the weeds. again :angry: tried the electric fags a year or so back and found the batteries were garbage and wouldnt hold charge after a while, the refills were crap and didnt last. They are probably better now so any recomendations on brands? websites to buy from etc :)
Forget all that stuff. No amount of gizmos will do the work for you. The only way to quit smoking is to quit smoking - don't ask me how I know.

Some people do not want to give up the relaxing state of smoking.........I am one of them.

Electronics ...........great!!

No tar, no chemicals and no nicotine if you choose.


(battery on iPhone low now.......ta ta)

Jeez, didnt realize they were that expensive these days, 120 euros of baccy from Greece lasted me 6 months last time ;) thats the thing, I like to smoke. I have no financial incentive to give up and will probably be even cheaper the way greece is going :( its really just cutting out the nasties I'm interested in.


The rechargables are crap, I spent money and could not get on with them. As you say refils and battery did not last.

The Vapestick Disposable V1 I have found to be very good they last for 2 - 3 days


If you know anyone who uses COSTCO a pack of two is £12

I spent a week with fags and vapestick, then No more fags!

I have been off the weed now for 4 weeks, suprisingly easy.

I quit a few months ago, I have smoked on and off for the past 15 years and every time I've quit it's just been sheer will power, I know it doesn't sound good that I have quit numerous times but like you all I actually enjoyed smoking, and I won't say I'll never have a cigarette or cigar again but I can't see a time in the future when I want to have another.

The older I get the longer I go between smoking, last time was over a year,

4 things made me quit


A promise to my fiancée

My own health and fitness

And to help my father in law quit (who we live with, although he did a couple of weeks when he had a chest infection but has now started again and every time he has a nasty ass coughing fit and blames it on a tickly throat or swallowing the wrong way I want to punch him in the face for being a lying bastard!!!!)

Anyway good luck which ever way you decide to go with it, like I say I haven't ruled out ever having the odd one again but at the moment I have no desire because I have other goals to focus on which would be hindered by smoking (like saving a shed load of cash for my big fat gypsy wedding, my dress is gigantic :) )

This may help... Or not



Used to be an 70-80 a day man smoked in the bath on the loo always down the street, had three ciggies before I got out of bed in the morning it took over my life it was either give them up or they would give me up

I measured my life in cigarette packets i.e. had to have at least 2 full packs in me jacket to go anywhere.

I saw Dr Miriam Stoppard years ago do stop smoking programme on TV, she recommended that you pick a date in the future as far as you wanted without being totally pointless and that you smoked normally until that date arrived, but in the interim every time you lit a ciggie you told yourself either out loud or internally that on that date you stopped smoking.

I though it was the biggest load of B---------KS I heard for a long while, my missus persuaded me to give it a go so of course to keep smoking with the pressure pushed away into the future I agreed! I picked nine months from the time of agreement and promised my missus i would tell myself each time I lit a fag that on that date I would give up. Much to my amazement i gave up smoking on that date, I am not saying I didnt have withrawal symptoms or that it was a breeze but I can say I was really mentally prepared to give up smoking which is really the biggest battle.

There's only one way to pack up the smokes, pack them up. My dear old Dad died miserably from a smoking disease (emphasimia) I sat with him in hospital while he died taking his last agonising painful short breath.

Good luck.

I am now 60 and smoke. I have stopped for a 5 year and a 4 year period but started again. I am now thinking seriously thinking of stopping again for potential health reasons.

One thing to remember is, If you stop smoking------------- ' you are a smoker who is not smoking, not a non smoker '-------- I know this to be true.

Oh yes, the method I used to stop was acupuncture


I am now 60 and smoke. I have stopped for a 5 year and a 4 year period but started again. I am now thinking seriously thinking of stopping again for potential health reasons.
That's a good point. There comes a time in life when you start to realise you're not invincible. As you attend more and more funerals of people in their 50s & 60s who've died of smoking related illness, you become aware of the increasing possibility that it could be you next. And for those who haven't witnessed it, I can safely promise that it's usually a very unpleasant end; for the families just as much as victims.

I understand that smoking can very pleasant and relaxing, but mostly lighting up is a result of habit rather than desire. When you finally make the decision it's not as hard as you think it will be.

Nevertheless, every ex-smoker feels the pangs now and again and Phil is right on the money that you will never be a true non smoker - but it's worth it.

I'm another who smoked, but does no longer.

It took me quite a few attempts to kick it completely as I enjoyed it too. It's always called an anti social habit, and I understand why, however it always seemed like a social thing to me. The smoking ban helped to kick it too!

Good luck to those giving up. Don't give up on giving up!

I don't want to be a 'non smoker'. Thanks very much chaps. :eek:

I like it. ;)

And my electronic cigs.

So .........back on topic..........

Fuzzy did you get a freebie from clearsmoke??

I don't want to be a 'non smoker'. Thanks very much chaps. :eek:

I like it. ;)

And my electronic cigs.

So .........back on topic..........

Fuzzy did you get a freebie from clearsmoke??
has it gone off topic :huh:

I don't want to be a 'non smoker'. Thanks very much chaps. :eek:

I like it. ;)

And my electronic cigs.

So .........back on topic..........

Fuzzy did you get a freebie from clearsmoke??
I didnt. I have decided to go the whole hog and go at it cold turkey. Taking a bit of David B's advice and have a date in mind (which I shant be sharing, even with the beloved) and just go for it then ;)

I've been using an electronic one since end of december and its working great … just keep reducing it down over time


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