Well I guess its time that the issf and the manufacturers got their heads together on this! To simply penalise a shooter is really not on. There must be a way to ensure that no overweight shells get through quality control.
Or simply require that all carts be purchased on the grounds from a certified source. Proof of purchase takes it out of the shooter's hands. Clearly it should not be the shooter's responsibility to insure the integrity of the carts but lacking any control of any kind doesn't really leave an option. As it is now who knows where they come from or what's in them even if they are purchased on the grounds.Well I guess its time that the issf and the manufacturers got their heads together on this! To simply penalise a shooter is really not on. There must be a way to ensure that no overweight shells get through quality control.
Shooters are ambushed whilst walking from 5 to 1 and a cartridge removed from each pocket or stopped on the line and a cartridge removed from each barrel. It's better than the urine test where the observer has to verify the source of the liquid.
Must do wonders for your concentration !!Shooters are ambushed whilst walking from 5 to 1 and a cartridge removed from each pocket or stopped on the line and a cartridge removed from each barrel.
Must be left handed and right handed cartridgesSkeet shooters have the most potential for doctored cartridges and I still have no information why they are seen to load from different pockets when shooting crossing targets at 20yds. Some years ago one international skeet shooter when challenged started to throw unfired cartidges downrange. Probably not the best response to a panic.
I can't imagine anyone DQ'ing Jessica Rossi for anything. I mean, ................................