Eye Dominance

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I'm new to shooting, only been a few times so far and I didn't experience any eye dominance issues because I always closed my one eye when I was shooting.  I didn't actually know this was wrong until I was reading about it, and now I'm panicking a bit that this might be a handicap for me? :(

Clearly I'm new so I'm expected to miss a fair bit at the start so I couldn't say if it would cause me an issue, I wasn't terrible but clearly new at it.  

Next time I go I will try with both eyes open etc.  

So is there any tricks to avoid these issues getting in the way? 

I tried shooting both left and right handed and it didn't seem to make much of a difference, I hit the same things and missed the same with both.. I was trying to work outside which I preferred with my friends shotgun even though he thought I was on crack.

I didn't think about it at the time but now worrying about it allot, If I do the test where you hold something up in front of you like your thumb to aim at something with both eyes open I see both OR both with one slightly see through, I can actively pick to focus on the left one when using right eye but if I don't think about it I seem to split the difference, so its like between the two images which means that off and would makes sense to me.


I think you need to have your master eye checked properly (lesson) and remember to look beyond the barrels to the clay and stare it out if you focus back to the barrel you will most likely stop the gun missing the clay, if your master eye is okay then practice with both eyes open as it will pay dividends in the future 

The simplest tip I will give you is don’t rely on your mates . A couple of hundred quid spent on lessons with a good instructor will 

a) make sure you know how to mount the gun and look for a target 

b) highlight if you do have any vision issues , and give you very simple methods of  overcoming it 

c) a missed clay costs you 60 pence in total , so you soon get payback from a lesson , 
