Fashionable skeet gun

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2020
Hi guys,
Shot a couple of lines of skeet other week just for fun. Really enjoyed it and definitely going to start doing more. However I seem to remember back in the day short barrels were in vogue. Just wondering what seems to be the most popular gun type these days and what models are dominating the top shots.
How two of those are single-barrel is beyond me. Fair mix of Perazzi, DT's, and K-guns among the top shots I see, with some changing often enough to keep the trade in business :cool:
Hi guys,
Shot a couple of lines of skeet other week just for fun. Really enjoyed it and definitely going to start doing more. However I seem to remember back in the day short barrels were in vogue. Just wondering what seems to be the most popular gun type these days and what models are dominating the top shots.
I'm assuming you're talking about domestic skeet rather than the ISSF version. In general, skeet guns have got longer and heavier over the past 10-15 years. Thirty inch barrels are probably the most common on a skeet layout these days although thirty two inches are popular. Much depends on your build, your ability to handle the weight and, to some extent, the technique you use.

A great many successful skeet shooters, especially in the US, use maintained lead to shoot their targets and a heavier gun benefits this.