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new mount and then compose did not work to well in practice yesterday mainly i think because i was too aware of what i was doing even tried my std DT 10.

Also my hip is a bit aching this morning and i can feel the sciatic nerve has been pinched a bit, this is due to holding the mount so long. So seems that the current style evolved naturally in order to protect the knackered bits of me. I don't think it is possible to pursue this idea, so will have to tweak what i have.

Right sciatica problem first. Are you doing any physio ? It is very important to stretch the nerves out to help relieve the pain. Four exercises I do to relieve my back problem.

I. Lye on back on level surface (floor) legs straight then Draw knee up into chest while maintaining flat position for rest of body really pull that knee into your chest , then straighten out again. Repeat ten times for each leg.

2. Again same flat position of floor now bring knees up to 80-90 degree angle with body and rotate knees down onto floor while keeping back and shoulders flat on floor repeat ten time to each side.

3. lye face down on floor and do a sort of press up but keep hips and legs flat to floor to curve spine and hold for a couple of seconds at top repeat ten times

and last lye on back on floor legs straight then draw one leg up to similar position to exercise 2 now rotate the leg down to floor while maintaining the rest of the body horizontal repeat ten time for each leg. Do this every day ! you will notice a huge improvement FACT but you must be genuine and do it every day. I ruptured two discs in my lower back which amongst other terrible pains gave really bad sciatica. I went to the physio and these were the exercises I was give the rest is history I do not have a problem now at all... if I get the slightest twinge I do these exercises and it is gone literally over night. Try it Ian I recommend it to you! Once you are free of the sciatic nerve pain you can pursue whatever style you want :)


cheers, yes i do exactly what you describe every morning as prescribed by my physio had it on and off since i was 20 but more on than off since a really debilitating and excruciating attack 5 years ago which left irreversible damage. Physio advises against an op at this stage so its exercise and very very careful in everything i do. I have to effectively risk assess every movement particularly at work were i bend and twist a lot. Physio says i have the worst job she can think of for my condition as everything i do including driving 30k per year she would advise against but what can you do. Done a few sessions of the exercises similar to the ones you elude to and were nice and mobile again so off to shoot some ut, in old style me

cheers John

I am glad to hear you are getting some relief with exercise! I know where you are coming from with driving I used to drive about 40 miles to work when in the research game and one morning I did not think I was going to be able to get out of the car when I arrived at work. I was working in a class two hood a lot at that time and you are reaching out to the back to get things which puts a hell of a strain on the back but the exercises really just took all the tension right out of my back, hesitate to say I am cured but I can do lots of quite heavy jobs now that cause me little or no problem! Keep it going you will get there DO NOT have the op bloody post op infection and your finished completely!

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ah yes the stuck in car scenario yes been there. Bending over even a little for any length of time as you did is a killer for sciatica. Lucky you that you don't need to work anymore and live in France, good on you mate, enjoy.


Hate to say this Ips but with your need to exercise (walk more) surely the best way to do this in combination with shooting is to become a Sporting Shooter??

All it takes is wellies, stout coats, lighter guns, interchangeable lenses, peaked cap, choice of shot sizes and maybe a bit of tweed and you're there!

Welcome aboard!  :sarcastichand:   Or will pigs fly first?????

Pigs will fly :)

But never say never, been shooting for 28yrs and apart from a couple of all round type shoots I have never shot sporting maybe its one of those things you need to do before you croak it :)


ah yes the stuck in car scenario yes been there. Bending over even a little for any length of time as you did is a killer for sciatica. Lucky you that you don't need to work anymore and live in France, good on you mate, enjoy.

Ah yes retirement the act of stopping work and relaxing... aint happened down here yet Ian ! I work harder now than I did when I went out to earn a crust only now I am even more liberal with when I take a coffee and at what time I start, but I do work six days a week! However nobody is forcing me to do it and I do enjoy so its down to me !

Oh sorry John i assumed you were retired.

Ha Ha ! Yes I am Ian but having bought a old French house from and old French couple it requires a lot of work! I am the one and only worker on site! My wife does all the décor and design I am the worker. It great fun though but hard work the house has changed so much since we bought it and is gradually getting like we want it. I genuinely work six days because when not inside working I am in the garden which at an acre is quite big get some great vegs out of it though as well as apple, pears, plums, peaches and now grapes. I still have a lot to do but hey I have plenty of time... I hope! I get out every week for a day at the shooting ground and even now have managed to shoot in the winter however it was very cold last week so I gave it a miss mainly because I think I would have been the only one there 3C is arctic for the locals.

Sounds lovely John and some of us have to work for a living in miserable old blighty but don't let that make you feel guilty. :)

Ian, you may be aware of a product called a ' tense ' unit. These are electrical inpulse stimulators used to relax the muscle / nerves instead of pain killers. I have owned one for years and to be honest I have loaned it out so many times , I don't even know who has it anymore so I bought a new one from Lloyds chemist for £15, my original one cost me £135.00 over 20 years ago so they do represent great value for money.

You have a small power pack/controller connected to two or four suckers which are placed on the area that is giving pain, usually the lower back and set the controller to a point that the electrical impulses start to make you twinge ( sounds weird I know ). This can be left in place on your back all day while you just get on with your life and all the time it brings relief to the pain.

It was just a thought that it may help you.


Cheers, yes i have tried one quite a few years ago but to be honest it didn't seem to be of help, but may be worth trying one again so thanks for the link.

They are called TENS systems :
I gave myself a shock (literally) with one of these when my wife was using it during labour - she got a bit 'het up' and demanded it be taken off her, so I grabbed the electrodes and pulled them off at the same time she managed to wack it up to '11' in frustration.

I thought childbirth was supposed to be painful for the woman, not the man.

Further update whilst I am on the lounge floor again as my back went again yesterday. No prob whilst shooting my usual ot practice but got in car and knew something wasnt right, all evening it deteriorated and this morning were in trouble. Hopefully a day in the floor and exercise will nip it in the bud. Anyway to the update.

have tried many things last few months with various degrees of success, even tried the std dt10 on occasions but conclusion is that I just cannot mount then compose it works for a while but then I will call for target and feel asleap resulting in a very snatchy gun movement, I admit that this style is more consistent for most it just wont happen for me and it seems the more I try the harder it gets and the further I get away from my natural style resulting in having to start re-learning even that. Evren tried to tweak what I have in various ways but same problem, tried different hold and focal points but all changes seem to become a chore. So it seems that despite best efforts you really cant teach an old dog new tricks.

I have often thought back to occasions were I really shot well with a view to replicating it but for the life of me I dont seem to be able to bottle whatever it was I did. Two fairly recent occasions that spring to mind were winning hg at our ot xmas shoot 2012 and one sat last summer in practice when DT shot with us, these were both days were I felt everything was right and I could not miss, so the topic for discussion and the point to the post is.......

why do we have these days ?

how do we replicate these days ?

is it a day we're everything is right mentaly or it was right technically or both, or just luck on the day ?


I think you hit the nail on the head, (everything right mentaly) of course you have to have the ability and equipment in the first place.  I find I shoot better when I am totaly relaxed, after a good nights sleep, not to much beer the evening before, and not to many small things on your mind like the washing machine is playing up, will the car pass MOT you know the little things at the back of your mind,

And you always neen a little luck !
