Form an orderly queue all you Perazzi owners

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Makes Tirovesti look like fantastic value.

Which reminds me.....I have an order to place this weekend. 

If promotional T-Shirts are at least X3 overpriced I wonder what the markup is on their core product?

Am I imagining things or have some of these posts dissapeared?

Might be the Friday night wine.......

There is probably a better one on there that says Miroku on it for £5.50p!! But it will do just the same as the other one! Pmsl!!!

:eek: F###K ME!! ....£57.00.....for a Tshirt?....I can just imagine the scene now with HMTW...."bought a new tshirt my sweet"......."oh much was that?" .............."you paid WHAT?!?!?! "....................."Now Now...put that down love, before you hur.............AAAARRRRGGGHHHH "

Yeah yeah.....but it looks cool.... :laugh:

It would not look good on moaners....they would not wear it well ..... :wink:

Spot on Les....

Would I shoot better with an expensive Perazzi - No!

Would I look better in an expensive Perazzi Tshirt - No!

Would I be better off spending my money on shells, lessons and clays - Yes!

True story.....

Yes Nick you are correct! Mind you it has not stopped me spending a fortune on P guns and DT10 and now a DT11. Even though my old 3800 still shoots better than I do!

How about this £30 for a towel 

eBay item number:


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