Altering length is a piece of cake, and its is easy to note the settings. Same for pitch of the pad. While adjusting the comb is also easy, you can't really tell what position it is in without taking it off, as there are markings for the pillars but they are obscured with the comb in place. Also for height of the comb there are no markings but if you wanted to ensure different heights for different shooters you could place and count washers.
The grip is however paramount to me, and that is and stays what it is. You could possibly adjust the trigger, but not all guns have that feature. I do note that there are more "neutral" grips available from Ergosign, i.e. without finger grooves and less pronounced features for palm and thumb.
You can get pretty nice wood from Ergosign... at a price. Caveat Emptor. Not the best picture, but in real life its a sight. The comb and plate match the grain and depth. A friend has one with swamp-retrieved russian burl (or akin) and that looks the absolute whiskers but probably increased German GDP by a considerable margin.
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