Hard focus consistancy

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I did a solo 100 practice round at Dartford today trying to use all the advice given above, I really tried to look for the leading edge of the clay. I admit I didn’t in all instances.

For the first 25 I concentrated on mount, bead alignment and then relax and focus on the leading edge. – scored 21.

Next 25 I concentrated on bead alignment and then relax and focus on the leading edge. – scored 21.

For the 3rd 25 I only concentrated on soft focus above the trap and then hard focus on the leading edge - scored 22

For the final 25 same as the above - score 23.

I did not record how many second shots but at a guess I would say no more than 2 per round. I have fixed chokes ¼ & ½ which I also swapped around for the final round, can’t say I was aware of any real difference.

What did I learn - trust my mount [to a degree] but the most important factor is as you said try and see that leading edge! I did not manage the true leading edge focus in all ‘pulls’ but I will get there.

Thanks again for all your advice, it is really appreciated.

Well done.

That's nice and consistent refine what you now have until you can forget about the mount entirely it will become so engrained you can do trust it and concentrate fully on seeing the target.

Glad it was of help.

Everyone is different in terms of how they focus to be honest. If someone asked me how I focus I couldn't tell you. At the weekend I shot my first competition of the year, with someone else's gun (K-80 with 2+ and 4 chokes, nice gun shot a 95[25.22,25,23] but won't be buying it :p ) because of a bit of a mix up with mine (my dad brought it without the chokes...), and if you asked me what I was looking at when I shot at each target I couldn't tell you.

The best example is that there was a hard left hander, 45 degrees, medium height off peg 5. I would look out to where I usually did on each and every other target, gun mounted above the trap house with eyes above that. When I called pull I would wait for what I deemed an eternity but in reality was probably less than 0.5 of a second before I went off after the target. When the target left the trap house to me shooting it I cannot say that I ever "seen" the target or tracked it 100%. I seen it leave the trap house, I seen it turn into a ball of dust after I pulled the trigger but I never seen it in between or at least my concious mind never seen it but my subconscious most certainly did. Sometimes you will see the target 100% of the time through it's flight as it could be a straight away or a soft left/right angle that lets your eyes track it easily but for those high/low/medium 45 degree mental targets you will not be able to track it fully with your eyes because it will get away from you due to the speed it is leaving the trap. 

Everyone is different in terms of how they focus to be honest. If someone asked me how I focus I couldn't tell you. At the weekend I shot my first competition of the year, with someone else's gun (K-80 with 2+ and 4 chokes, nice gun shot a 95[25.22,25,23] but won't be buying it :p ) because of a bit of a mix up with mine (my dad brought it without the chokes...), and if you asked me what I was looking at when I shot at each target I couldn't tell you.

The best example is that there was a hard left hander, 45 degrees, medium height off peg 5. I would look out to where I usually did on each and every other target, gun mounted above the trap house with eyes above that. When I called pull I would wait for what I deemed an eternity but in reality was probably less than 0.5 of a second before I went off after the target. When the target left the trap house to me shooting it I cannot say that I ever "seen" the target or tracked it 100%. I seen it leave the trap house, I seen it turn into a ball of dust after I pulled the trigger but I never seen it in between or at least my concious mind never seen it but my subconscious most certainly did. Sometimes you will see the target 100% of the time through it's flight as it could be a straight away or a soft left/right angle that lets your eyes track it easily but for those high/low/medium 45 degree mental targets you will not be able to track it fully with your eyes because it will get away from you due to the speed it is leaving the trap.
That wait until the target is whole, and not a blur has always perplexed me a bit, although I suppose I do it in a way.
The way I experience it, is the blur gives me the direction and starts a sequence which should be the eyes going out to the target then the gun going to that spot, not following the line, not gun and eyeing it!
If you watch someone shooting it well, it looks like they are just moving to a static target already out there.

tiroVesti seamless performance clothing.

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That wait until the target is whole, and not a blur has always perplexed me a bit, although I suppose I do it in a way. The way I experience it, is the blur gives me the direction and starts a sequence which should be the eyes going out to the target then the gun going to that spot, not following the line, not gun and eyeing it! If you watch someone shooting it well, it looks like they are just moving to a static target already out there. tiroVesti seamless performance clothing.
Exactly. The "flash" of the target, in OT at least, will give you the trajectory. Your eyes should then lock on to the target but the gun should still not have moved. Then once the eyes have locked on, the angle, speed and trajectory all locked in your gun should move to meet your eye. All being well and not having moved from the initial "flash" you should break the target. Sounds like a lot but in reality it is over in less than a second. With the big angle targets I see the start and the finish it is like everything in between is missing because it is so quick. 

I think we all perceive the shot in different ways hence it is sometimes difficult to explain to anyone else what you do or think you do. One thing is for sure imo when it's working you have no idea how you did it :)


I shot ot at the weekend with no concious thought to anything other than seeing the target. Light not brilliant and very very cold.


Point being even in less than ideal conditions you can scrape a reasonable score by knuckling down and concentrating on the target.

Well I shot a lot of crap at the weekend and I am convinced that it is because I am moving my gun too soon after calling the target! I am not waiting the correct amount of time to really see the target so that my gun speed is a bit slow and also the motion of the gun is different too its like I am following the target instead of there it is straight-line to it whack. I think UT and OT trap targets have to be shot instinctively and they way I am shooting at the moment I am thinking about it... my scores have suffered very badly. I shot a really nice round last week though and the difference was amazing I felt I just could not miss... strangely enough just as Jake said it was like shooting a static target.

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I shot ot at the weekend with no concious thought to anything other than seeing the target. Light not brilliant and very very cold.


Point being even in less than ideal conditions you can scrape a reasonable score by knuckling down and concentrating on the target.

Well I shot a lot of crap at the weekend and I am convinced that it is because I am moving my gun too soon after calling the target! I am not waiting the correct amount of time to really see the target so that my gun speed is a bit slow and also the motion of the gun is different too its like I am following the target instead of there it is straight-line to it whack. I think UT and OT trap targets have to be shot instinctively and they way I am shooting at the moment I am thinking about it... my scores have suffered very badly. I shot a really nice round last week though and the difference was amazing I felt I just could not miss... strangely enough just as Jake said it was like shooting a static target.

My whole weekend was shot instinctively without thought due to using a foreign gun that I had just picked up but as ips says, knuckle down and get on with and you'll score well. 

"My whole weekend was shot instinctively without thought"

There is my problem I am thinking! Instead of just concentrating on the target I am thinking about what I am doing. Who knows next weekend I might just slot back into the groove but to be fair I seldom score 95 at UT or OT :) In fact I think that is my best ever score, I would normally score in the 84-88 range.

I think that with fast trap targets it's a matter of confidence and commitment. Any doubt or negativity will result in hanging on the shot trying to make sure.

I seen it leave the trap house, I seen it turn into a ball of dust after I pulled the trigger but I never seen it in between or at least my concious mind never seen it but my subconscious most certainly did. 
Aha....Andrew....this bloody happens to me all the time on good days!  But when the conscious mind gets in the way of the subconscious the whole thing falls to bits!The subconscious is best left to to do all the work, it knows where the target is, it works out the speed, angle, distance and knows where the barrels should be when it pulls the trigger for you! Some people think it all seems a bit mystical and at times it can feel like that too! IPS and I have discussed this subject a good few times!  :laugh:

Indeed we have les and concluded that the sub concious brain works way better than the concious.

I think :)

Aha....Andrew....this bloody happens to me all the time on good days!  But when the conscious mind gets in the way of the subconscious the whole thing falls to bits!The subconscious is best left to to do all the work, it knows where the target is, it works out the speed, angle, distance and knows where the barrels should be when it pulls the trigger for you! Some people think it all seems a bit mystical and at times it can feel like that too! IPS and I have discussed this subject a good few times!  :laugh:
I wouldn't want my concious brain trying to work out how far in front of a 45 degree 1.5m left/right hand target I need to be to break it when it is travelling at silly speeds to reach the distance before it hits the deck. I'd still be there just now with a calculator. 

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Well shot UT at Mirande in terrible light and light drizzly rain on Saturday and shot 23,21,21 and 22 which for me given the conditions is not too shabby at all. My only conscious thought was to see the target and break it asap. I was head lifting though! I don't know the way to cure this other than redoubling my effort not to... any advice on a cure?

"how far in front of a 45 degree 1.5m left/right hand target I need to be to break it"

Weirdly I broke all of those on the UT scheme being used. I did have the odd bit of trouble with higher targets because I was lifting my head when shooting those almost a oh look how high that one is going :)

Ahem.... don't forget to look for the mythical leading edge.....i'm still trying to see it!


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