OK so shot four practice rounds yesterday and was a bit disappointed at the end. I started with a really good 24 and then a 23 on the first fosse then a bit later on went over to the other and shot an 18!!! Did not know what was wrong was missing high right lefts. Shot another and made a 20 but with about 10 targets left to shoot a coach ( female blonde!... old ) who was watching another shooter quite animatedly let me know I was lifting my head. I took the advise kept my head down and shot the rest first barrel so missed 5 from the first 15 all high right left but one straight away. Anyways the major thing for me is I know I was lifting my head but I don't know why and she did not tell me... or I did not understand exactly what she was saying. So question is there any obvious reason why a right handed shooter would lift their head to high r/l targets ? Its weird it only happened with high r/l targets I know its difficult without having seen the shooter. All I can really do is try and concentrate more on this problem.