Hearing protection for game/pigeon shooting

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Mike Bartlett

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2013
I have a set of Noisebreaker custom moulded ear plugs for clay shooting but i have tried these on game and pigeons and i find that they loose the ability to detect the birds from far enough away. 

I currently use Sonic II ear plugs for both game and pigeons and they give me the desired results except they are bloody uncomfortable! They are bearable for individual drives when game shooting but wearing them all day when pigeon shooting is a real pain literally. 

Does anyone have any suggestions that wont break the bank?

I use moulded plugs and twist them so that I can hear the birds. Not saying it is correct but it works for me.

I tried over the head ones but found i hit them every time i mounted the gun and it put me off completely. I also don't like the feel as they make me sweat. 

I appreciate you comments especially about CENS. I have heard that the battery life is rubbish on them from a couple of mates who use them. 

He he he I can do cens but recommend our own series take a look at the website

I currently use Sonic II ear plugs for both game and pigeons and they give me the desired results except they are bloody uncomfortable! They are bearable for individual drives when game shooting but wearing them all day when pigeon shooting is a real pain literally. 
I came across a post on PW, LINK, they took the soft bud part of a pair of in-ear headphones and placed it around the stem. ;)

You could try Emtech or Cens passives. I now have to use Cens digitals after losing my hearing, after a stroke. They are 5 years old and generally have been quite good. They are now in for service and repair, so I am using the cans variety for teaching and my Emtechs for shooting. I found that before I lost my hearing, the Emtechs worked very well for clay, game and pigeon shooting. Most of my shooting friends use Emtech passives which are around £70 a pair. If you decide to get passive plugs DO get flourescent coloured, you will appreciate this after the first time you drop one (so to speak). Oh, and the Emtechs are a SOFT rubber material which makes them comfortable to wear for long periods.

I currently use Sonic II ear plugs for both game and pigeons and they give me the desired results except they are bloody uncomfortable! 
I couldn't help but try the mod on the Sonic ll

These cost £3 from Asda. You get 3 different size buds (I have ordered 12 silicon large ear buds for £1.49 from eBay but couldn't wait  :)  )

Trim your Sonic's like this

Shove the buds on .... job done and miles better

not sure id be happy to do that gazza g there is a reason that removeable comfort buds are on angled ear phones etc! if the people who make theese intended to use them with soft tips im sure they would have supplied them.

just curious if or how many people have had to go down e.n.t. clinic to have them removed from ear canals? not my choice gazza but maybe you should suggest it to the manufacturer?

AS long as they seal well and your not bothered by not having tested and approved protection then crack on....

I couldn't help but try the mod on the Sonic ll

These cost £3 from Asda. You get 3 different size buds (I have ordered 12 silicon large ear buds for £1.49 from eBay but couldn't wait  :)  )

Shove the buds on .... job done and miles better

Thats exactly what I have done with my Sonics Gaz, does not affect the sound deadening but makes them a milion times more comfortable. Plus, if you do happen to lose one in the field you aint gonna cry about it.  :thumbsup:

My point gee was losing one of the tips in your ear !
I have moulded shooters ears where the canal is nearly straight and if you were to insert 'that' you would not pull it out again

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I bought the mino CENS to try and think there great , no waiting for moulds to be done and 'only' £300.

Battery life is fine and I bought 60 replacement batteries for £12 on amazon.


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