Help With Concentration Technique

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Spot on + learn to manage the focus during the round - you can't keep it up all the time - look at it like a box of 25 matches/round and learn to ignite every single match before the target is called and then (once the shot is completed) let it die and try to keep your mind occupied with something out of shoot...move and breathe sloooow and if you feel nervous - yawn. Follow your pre shot routine and if anything (even tiniest thing - like butterfly or a talk in the background) sneaks in between you and clay, abort the routine and start all over - don't be fooled and presume it is alright and you will manage somehow and despite call for the target - you will miss.

Now, even if guy that told you are going over the top was may be technique related (stance, gun hold points, visual holds, triggering...) and should be dealt with during training session...or it might be focus related - in this case he already got your focus - away from the target...on registered shoot...not good. Don't listen to remarks like this on registered shoots - save them for training session and for someone who doesn't think but knows and can be trusted.
this is another great post by freeshot, I agree with it all ?

if I may add. You need a game plan before the comp and you need to stick with it through thick and thin. From my experience if you change something half way through because you do not consider your game plan is working as well as you thought then the wheels really do fall off as you end up shooting each target differently and a great big hole opens up beneath you. Playing about with technique is for the training ground.

for the record I am guilty of the above so am talking from experience. Plan A and stick with it.

cheers ips... That is exactly what I am doing... Playing around during the round... Different this then different that...... Loads of work to do....

chanco mate welcome to the club.

it is very very hard to resist temptation of changing things mid comp. You miss a target or have a few second barrells, you instantly doubt your technique "summat is wrong, what is it I know I will shoot slower, nope didn't work target lost. Ok I will shoot faster, nope didn't work target lost. Ok I will hold lower, higher, look further out etc etc" you get the idea. From my experience nothing good happens doing this, playing about is training not comp. Have a plan shoot the comp if it doesn't work you will know what not to do next time. Play about and the lack of consistency with technique will tell you nothing as so many things altered you won't remember what things worked and what didn't. Furthermore even if some aspect is wrong you will probably hit more by keeping on doing it than you would by swapping about.

you obviously are the type that want to achieve and I suspect do not like to fail consequently you will over analyze everything, this also is fatal and only for the training session.

Do not practice. Train with some kind of structure, work on specifics. As an example about ten years ago I suffered with lifting the head off the stock, I went to ground and shot hundred dtl on my own I concentrated on nothing but keeping my head down, hitting the target was secondary that day and I missed many BUT muscle memory after another session or two kicked in and I was able to start thinking about hitting targets again. I have rarely if ever lifted my head since. My point is sometimes we think to much about technique and not seeing the target, sometimes its deliberate like my example sometimes its during comp because we are so eager to succeed.

For 'eager' substitute trying to hard to succeed. You need to be relaxed, there shouldn't be tension in your body when shooting.

Thanking you.

For all your help... I am going to the practice ground tomorrow...........

I have one or two things that I want to try.................

I also have one or two things I want to stop doing...........


stopping doing stuff is easy, just don't do it ?

doing stuff, well that's a lot more difficult ?


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