If you could only choose one lens tint?

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I've always just shot in my single vision prescription lenses but my prescription has changed and now need varifocal so don't want to try and shoot in them. Going with a single lens means no changing so I'll be ok I think. I'm going with HD which I hope spans most of my shooting. If clear is available, which I can't see I'll probably get them for shooting over the dog's

'HD52 (58)- Offers incredibly crisp, clear vision by incorporating precise technology that filters out blue light to increase contrast while perfectly targeting the shooter’s mark. This lens is the expert choice for medium light conditions'

I usually go with a medium grey tint for sporting, seems to give me better contrast.

For trench I usually go with either the grey or a medium purple, depends on the light conditions and background. 

I've not tried that many colors but it seems that purple simply does not work for me.  Maybe if I were in a overwhelming green environment that might be diff, but as it is I just have to leave them in the case.  And I have no idea why purple doesn't do the job but it somehow makes me not happy.  Go figure.

I use Decot prescription lenses and the lightest shade of target orange is my happy place.  And I have a set of clear but I'm not sure why I got them hahaha.

I've always just shot in my single vision prescription lenses but my prescription has changed and now need varifocal so don't want to try and shoot in them. Going with a single lens means no changing so I'll be ok I think. I'm going with HD which I hope spans most of my shooting. If clear is available, which I can't see I'll probably get them for shooting over the dog's

'HD52 (58)- Offers incredibly crisp, clear vision by incorporating precise technology that filters out blue light to increase contrast while perfectly targeting the shooter’s mark. This lens is the expert choice for medium light conditions'
David, I have Randolph Rangers light purple, CMT, polarised and (I'm sure) HD52. Polarised for "through the sun" only, CMT for sunny days with orange clays and snow on the ground (yes I have, yes they work!) I alternate between light purple and HD for everything 'normal'...on bright days, both the light purple and HD are a shade too bright for my eyes, I've just ordered a dark purple lens and spare frames (so I can were a set upside down on my hat). 

I have got to say, Ed Lyons is a pleasure to deal with!!!

We get bright light conditions most of the time here so dark purple for me in slightly darker conditions probably light purple. I have six different shades but seem to use the dark purple most of the time.

I have 6 lens colours available (if you include clear as a colour?) and invariably yellow is the 'go to' colour for most situations. 

Vive la difference!


I have 6 lens colours available (if you include clear as a colour?) and invariably yellow is the 'go to' colour for most situations. 

Vive la difference!

Yes it is strange how some people tend to a favourite colour. When I first started shooting I just wore sunglasses, then I bought a set of Randolph's and started experimenting with colours and used orange quite a lot. I then bought the dark purple and use them nearly all the time now. I don't think it is a random thing but more to do with an individual's colour perception probably something Ed would have an answer to? I don't know why but purple really makes the orange clay standout much more than any other colour I use. The CMT lens is good in really bright conditions too.

I'm getting the XLW with a prescription insert so to start with I'm just going with one lens tint. Unfortunately the three lens deal is no longer.

 I can obviously get more but right now I can only go with one as I also have to upgrade/downgrade my normal glasses to varifocals as I'm fed up of having to remove and replace them. It soon adds up.

I don't get to many grounds where orange clays are used so less worried about that for now.
hi david what lense did you get ?
