I patterned my factory 725 Invector DS chokes today and I've attached the pictures below. Due to time I skipped the LM and LF chokes. I was using Hull Pro One 7 1/2's which I get on well with in my other guns. All chokes were patterned at a lasered 40 yards and a 30" circle scribed round what I perceived as the densest portion. Not sure if that's the ideal distance or not for the more open chokes but anyway I just wondered what folks thought?
It seems the factory DS chokes get a lot of stick (across the pond at least) for throwing poor/wider than marked patterns. It seems neither my Full or Extra Full is getting 70% and the IC is pretty gappy. Time for new cartridges or new chokes or neither and just get on with it??!!
Any comments for Sporting/DTL use?
(regarding POI it was blowing a gale shooting freehand so I'm not fussed about that!!!)

It seems the factory DS chokes get a lot of stick (across the pond at least) for throwing poor/wider than marked patterns. It seems neither my Full or Extra Full is getting 70% and the IC is pretty gappy. Time for new cartridges or new chokes or neither and just get on with it??!!
Any comments for Sporting/DTL use?
(regarding POI it was blowing a gale shooting freehand so I'm not fussed about that!!!)