Well, I can tell you I saw it with no trouble! Are you raising that breed of pig on your farm or did it fly in?if a hike in lead price causes an increase in cartridge price then conversely a reduction in the mass of lead used per cartridge should bring prices down..
WOW did you see that low flying pig :lol:
It's certainly getting noticeably more expensive with some game loads touching £100 a slab from expensive retailers..there is no reason why all clay disciplines cannot be shot with 24g. Apart from possibly helice and some stupid esp presentations. Trap in all its forms most certainly can. I also agree with pp 24g patterns better than 28g I haven't shot 32g for over twenty years but I don't recall anyone's score being better with 32g.
as for cartridges in general its about time the manufacturers came up with a usable alternative to lead, preferably cheaper.