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when do we get to find out who we've got behind our numbers?
Would have been handy to know who to cheer on and who to knobble!

Just a long shot but if these have not been allocated yet, can I have the eventual winner please as we probably know who it is by now.

Many thanks,  :sarcastic:

That's strange.... I posted the sheet on Wednesday... Not sure what has happened to that post. Leg me get back to my PC and I will figure this out.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Can anyone on here (who may have missed the other threads) please help get our 6 disabled shooters out to Suhl, Germany for the demonstration event. We are so close to getting Clay Shooting into the Paralympics....and we really need all of your help..!!

Even a £5 (cost of a drink) can help if lots of people donate that amount.

If you can help ....or if you know any businesses that can help.....(the helpful donations are gratefully received from shooters and non-shooters)...please...please PM me and i can let you know where to send your donation.

There will be a thermometer appearing soon to show the progress of raising the money needed.

This is real important folks please think...can you be generous of heart and help us.

People - am having a few problems posting anything with an attachment at the moment... not sure where the issue is, am investigating... 


Matt  I know I won this,,,,(if not, please arrange it, :biggrin:  ), and give the winnings to  the Paralympic fund please. thanks.

and i'll sort a donation too.

OK - have fixed the issue with me posting pdf's - strangely related to the new badges function, and my work network - seriously, you couldn't make this stuff up. 

Will post the sheet and winners when I get back home tonight. 


Matt  I know I won this,,,,(if not, please arrange it, :biggrin:  ), and give the winnings to  the Paralympic fund please. thanks.

and i'll sort a donation too.
That is so kind. Thank you Jim.

News in today is that there is also going to be an important Test event sometime in October in Italy. We do not know yet which shooters will be invited to attend by the IPC / FITAV / ISSF. As soon as i know i will put a thread on here.

posts 46+47 still stand,,,,

wondering what is the hassle Matt has? any enlightenment Mate?

I believe the issue is to do with adding attachments on here. Matt mentioned earlier that he hoped to have a look at sorting it tonight

OK - have fixed the issue with me posting pdf's - strangely related to the new badges function, and my work network - seriously, you couldn't make this stuff up. 

Will post the sheet and winners when I get back home tonight. 

This is one looooonnng journey home!

OK - have fixed the issue with me posting pdf's - strangely related to the new badges function, and my work network - seriously, you couldn't make this stuff up.

Will post the sheet and winners when I get back home tonight.


This is one looooonnng journey home!
It's Matts new car. Taking a long time getting used to it.