Just grip it, and rip it...

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ShootClay Admin
Jan 27, 2011
More extreme sports - this time, it's golf...

(I don't play - but I wouldn't mind a go at this hole...)



waste of a good walk if you ask me, tried it many years ago found it to be the most tedious and frustrating thing in the world ever.

Just bally well saying

Ah.......but IPS........ 'This'....... Is not golf.......

This is about mashing a tiny little white thing off a cliff....with a stick of some sort......across a valley.....and into the hole of Africa ...... "This" is raiders of the lost ark time.......!!

I once had a little farm in Aarfrica.........

Hitting a tiny ball that has done no one any harm with a ruddy great bat thing seems wrong in my view.

For the record I hate golf clubs. Once got thrown out of my mates on a boxing day , we had gone for a breakfast and a game of snooker and some scruffy sod at the bar had the audacity to tell me I was in contravention of dress code so please bugger off. I replied you are having a laugh my good man I have about a grands worth of designer gear on and you sit there with a 10 quid polo shirt and an excuse for a pair of slacks. This was in the era of collarless shirts being the in fashion mine was a pal zilleri or Armani (cant quite remember) and a pair of black Boss trousers etc etc. Turned out the scruffy sod was el capitan.Bloody ten bob millionares I cant stand em.

Rant over.

:fie:  If you think that is Highhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you should have shot at the top of the mountain in Andorra! :hunter:   :hunter:  


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