So do you sell your soul to Beretta, Krieghoff or Perazzi?
I would rather have a thousand compliments for telling the truth and a few complaints than to blandly rate every gun I tried as 'well engineered, good value for money etc.,'
No one gun will fulfil everyone's ideal. Interesting to note that Nicola never achieved the success she did with her Perazzi that she did with her Miroku.
Kevin Mayor gave up the unequal struggle with Beretta's and went back to Miroku.
Carl Bloxham won a sponsored Perazzi and with the help of Nigel Teague converted it into similar to his Miroku with which he won the Perazzi before ditching it and trying every other make of gun before settling back with his Miroku ( I know he now shoots Krieghoff, but like Arnie he will be back)
Ricky Mouse has tried every make of gun but guess what he now shoots again for the millionth time.
Question Krieghoff @ £10500 or Miroku @ £2500 + plus cartridges and lessons??????????
Answer = buy the Miroku, learn to shoot and then buy the Krieghoff to massage your ego.
Read Vic Harker or Michael Yardley gun reviews at your peril. But better still try the gun and then write the truth.