LH Eye Dominance

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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I am fairly new to clay shooting(about 12months) . I am left eye dominant and I was used to shooting an air rifle Left handed because of this.
Since taking up clay shooting I switched to right hand but I’m struggling big time, so i am thinking buying a L H shotgun. I am Right handed by the way. I would appreciate any help and advice
A year on from my original post, I thought I would update..
I took a little something from everyone,s advice first I recieved my new spectacles then switched to my left shoulder,I was so pleased with how it went I bought a new true left handed gun within a week. All in all it has gone so well for me . I just wanted to thank everybody. Happy New year to all
sorry, that was the answer, do you have any problems shooting from your right shoulder? presumably, if you have no particular eye dominance you can shoot with either eye but you will want to shoot from your right shoulder using your right eye as you are right handed