With reference to the barrels, I picked up some SECOND HAND information on Sunday. Longthorne apparently tested their barrels for,............... wait fot it .............................P.O.I. ! using a pair of laser beams down each barrel. It transpires that at 30 yards the distance between the two laser dots was some 2" apart. Other top quality makes were also tested and produced some suprising results. Theoretically, the barrels made from one piece and then machine bored out, using computer technology, should be far more accurate than 2 seperate tubes stuck together by whatever means, and then ribs soldered on afterwards. It should also alleviate one of the biggest problems with barrels, the fact that rust can develop unseen behind the attached ribs. I once saw a Shadow Indy with a vented centre rib, blow up, caused by just that. How many shooters test their guns for P.O.I. other than by firing at a pattern plate ? This method leaves plenty of scope for human error.