Firstly sorry this has taken a while to post, but was otherwise engaged last night.
Secondly, what a day? Absolutely fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!
For those that couldn't make it - you missed an absolute belter.
The day was started with a bacon sarny in the cafe before we were coralled into the DTL area and spilt into our respective groups.
Half of us started with the DTL, DT and Sportrap, with the other half going off to do the Sporting.
Having never shot DTL or DT before I found this an enjoyable experience and I fancy having a go at DTL again if I can find somewhere local to shoot it.
We then moved straight onto the Sporting, where I missed loads! and then paused a for a nice bowl of Chilli & a welcome sit down.
We finished with the 5 man flush - superb fun and the only time during the day where most things I pointed my barrels towards (rather than at) broke...........bloody typical. What the flush did teach me was that when I relax and don't think too much but trust my instincts, I can hit 'em. Shame that only occurred to me at the end of the day, as my scores will testify.
A HUGE thank you to Graham and Sam for organising a superb event at which, and I obviously speak for EVERYONE that was there, every one of us had a whale of a time.
My thanks also to Robert and ' the Coleys' for their input to the day.
It was great to meet all the faces that go with the names.
To Matt and the instructor that helped Mark with his shooting, he sends huge thanks, he too had a fantastic day and will now continue to shoot when he can. He was really impressed with the general attitiude of all the 'shooters' there, and was made to feel very welcome. Had a huge grin on his face all the way home.
Lastly to Graham, thanks for bringing the raffle forward just because we had to depart. Btw - we made it back just in time!
In summary? A f@@kin' ace day and a pleasure to meet all, even though I shot like a blind man!!
Count me in for all future events. Roll on July!!