Melanie Sykes Fans

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So did she get a license or not?  Did she shoot him?  Did she get a medal?

If that was such an event why is she still on the loose?

Anyone bring that up during the coverage of her shooting exploits?

Has she in any way actually harmed the shooting community?

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I still don't even know who she is, I now know the name because of numerous threads on here but that's it. And there is no way on earth that I am watching that load of absolute garbage "in the jungle" thing just to get a glimpse of her, I mean come on how brain dead do you have to be to watch "Z" class so called celebs make a fool of themselves in some attempt to re-kindle there careers.

Nope I will stick to my radio 4 and the occasional look at "yesterday history channel"


For those who may not know Eva Shockey....well known hunter......this is what she has to say....


Im already warming to Mel a bit on this years Celebrity. She's a tough cookie by the looks. 

Oh Bollox your both right I must be going soft.

So did she get a license or not?  Did she shoot him?  Did she get a medal?
Not sure, No , Not yet

If that was such an event why is she still on the loose?
She is in Aus (traditional....)

Anyone bring that up during the coverage of her shooting exploits?
Bring what up?The shooting press was prior to the divorce

Has she in any way actually harmed the shooting community?
I don't think so but you have to be whiter than white to get a shotgun here, any sniff of a row that turned physical and its gone (or thats what people like to think) She probably has deep enough pockets to appeal (or perhaps thats what she is doing in Aus (War chest)

Wonder if he lost his?


......true story....




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those pesky paperazi get every were. We go for a leisurely walk and then our Pic gets plastered on the Interweb.


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