Michael Diamond “legend”

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On 5/11/2020 at 9:49 PM, k80ben said:

What a deep interview highest of highs and heart breaking lows. Lesley Goddard’s story 

Just watched this, what a phenomenal women. A superb interview, hopefully you'll manage to secure another interview with her. 👍

Watched most of this last night, what an inspiration to any lady shooters out there and she came across as a really nice, down to earth person.  Best video so far for me Ben, thank you.  Well worth watching if you missed it last night.  

Watched most of this last night, what an inspiration to any lady shooters out there and she came across as a really nice, down to earth person.  Best video so far for me Ben, thank you.  Well worth watching if you missed it last night.  
Lesley's was the first one I watched and really enjoyed it.  Bought her book back in January, but haven't got around to reading it yet. Will pick it up this weekend.

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Lesley's was the first one I watched and really enjoyed it.  Bought her book back in January, but haven't got around to reading it yet. Will pick it up this weekend.
We’ve been watching them all!  I’ve had to join instagram just so we can watch them live!  Hope you and the family are ok.  Hope to see you soon. 

We’ve been watching them all!  I’ve had to join instagram just so we can watch them live!  Hope you and the family are ok.  Hope to see you soon. 
Very well thanks and hope you are too.  I bet you are itching to get practicing with that new K-gun of yours.  Did you get much chance to use it before the lockdown?

Not that much as I had it Teagued and altered so that took me up to end Nov.  Just started to get the feel of it, had a PB in sporting then this came about so yes, I’m itching to get out again.  The only time I’ve ever had time off work apart from holidays in 43 years (left school at 16 and have never not worked) and I can’t get out 😤. Never mind, I think I will be one of the last to get back to work so will get some sneaky practices in somewhere!  

It is frustrating. Start of the season with my best ever average, shooting fairly well for me and looking forward to trying to push on a bit further this year, but that's all gone out the window. Once we can start up I'll focus on practice and probably forget about the Reg comps for a while, maybe even the rest of the year. 

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