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.Blackpool, Spennymoor, MickleyHall, Coniston, Worsley (Manchester clay shooting club), Crabtree (2 miles from me, non registered).....

Plenty to choose from...
And the fish...wherever that is...

Balltrap can testify to how well I shot the sporting last Sunday..  Blind man on a galloping horse. Just one of those days. 

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yes Paul but I want reg, I want to get me a D class status ready for the game fairs.

insert smiley cos my mobile wont do

Don't they do flush chokes for them? Nobody would know.. Game shooting, more than any other shooting is where nobody sees what gun you have. You all stand miles apart.
Aye, it is a flush (Mobile) choke jobbie as well. Cant even see um when they are in but gives you all the options you could want :)

I was going to do mates rates as well but if your not interested :(

Anybody else interested ??


PS: If you fancy a high rib jobby I have a 686 Gold E X trap for sale as well. Now that would look totally in place on a pheasant shoot!! Vive la difference :)

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Sorry Greg I am sure its just the job but sadly even at mates rates its still got multi thingies.

yes Paul but I want reg, I want to get me a D class status ready for the game fairs.

insert smiley cos my mobile wont do
Think you might struggle with a D classification. They only go down to C :)


I was a walking gun on a drive a couple of seasons ago.

I had to scramble across a ditch from one field to the next, so emptied the chambers and then went base over apex into the ditch.

The barrels were sticking out of the mud, but because I'd got extended Teague chokes I could remove them and clear the mud plug out with little delay using a key, a twig and my nice white hanky.

Had I got flush or fixed chokes the chances are that would've been the end of the drive for me.  I thanked my lucky stars I'd got those chokes as the drive was very productive for me.

I was a walking gun on a drive a couple of seasons ago.

I had to scramble across a ditch from one field to the next, so emptied the chambers and then went base over apex into the ditch.

The barrels were sticking out of the mud, but because I'd got extended Teague chokes I could remove them and clear the mud plug out with little delay using a key, a twig and my nice white hanky.

Had I got flush or fixed chokes the chances are that would've been the end of the drive for me.  I thanked my lucky stars I'd got those chokes as the drive was very productive for me.
I have heard some attempts to justify the awfulness that is multichokes BUT THAT is just the best one ever :smile: :wink:

Please excuse me , I am sometimes (often) a little bit slow, but hallelujah the penny has just dropped.


With all this faffing about with SxS single triggers, double triggers, O/U, Game Gun, fixed choke, shall I shan't I, then it dawned on me !

You are actually the Guy featured every week in Shooting Times, cartoon drawn by Keith Reynolds, didn't recognise you, but recognise Eze now.

Have a look in any Shooting Times , normally just inside back cover , last page entitled Dog By Keith Reynolds.

All is now crystal clear. 

PhilR, IPS, 

You are more than welcome to book in and shoot every month on a Thursday at Hodnet, from 1p.m. onwards 100 Sporting. 

Next one is February 18th  .

I shall have a look salopian and confirm if it is indeed doggie and I to which you refer :wink:

I can confirm. .... Tis a facsimile of me and eze

PhilR, IPS, 

You are more than welcome to book in and shoot every month on a Thursday at Hodnet, from 1p.m. onwards 100 Sporting. 

Next one is February 18th  .
That's handy to know. I'm using the English Open for a warm up for the big event, which is the 7th Pigeonwatch annual North vs South charity clay shoot, it's returning to Hodnet for the first time since the inaugural event.

you know ..... Odd.

some of these like Coniston are reg then ? Didn't see any maybe didn't look far enough on calendar. Anyway its for end of trap season to prep for game season plus I need a game gun first one wth fixed chokes not one of these faffing about multi jobs
ips, my Beretta 680 is up for sale. 28" fixed choke. ;-)

That's handy to know. I'm using the English Open for a warm up for the big event, which is the 7th Pigeonwatch annual North vs South charity clay shoot, it's returning to Hodnet for the first time since the inaugural event.
didn't know you were on PW what's your name on there?


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