Why oh why do we have to complicate everything?
Birds only, you shoot the clays and enjoy.
Competition, you shoot the clays, enjoy, and if shot well enough you MAY have a cash prize.
Ladies, Veterans, Colts, Juniors should just enter the competition and your age or sex will categorise you.
Dependant on your score will place you in the necessary class or prize fund.
I.E. If you are a lady and have shot well enough to take class prize, AA, A, B, C, you have won it and the next best lady wins the Ladies prize.
Same with Vets, Colts & Juniors, if they win a major place they should not also take a prize away from the next best in category . Spread the money and trophies around.
As for larking about, if it effects you, then maybe YOU are not focussed on the task. Ear defence and focus, get into the zone as you get into the cage.