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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2012
Please can someone enlighten me? 
WTF is misogyny? Yeah I know the dictionary variant, it’s yet another label. 
It does seem like almost everyone gets labelled in some way or another.
As an oldie, I’m kinda pissed off with labels now. 
I’ve no idea where to post this, so I’m sorry if it ends up in the wrong place.

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I’m now a pensioner, I’m a minority group? 
Our sport has been railroaded by the pc brigade. 
Sorry but this will sound bad to many people.

I’ve been a shooter since I was 9, so were looking at over 60 years.

We are all being shafted, not just clay shooters, all shooters. 

Yeah I’m pissed off, should we have one single voice for ALL shooters? 

Yeah, a can of worms 😖😎👍

Please can someone enlighten me? 
WTF is misogyny? Yeah I know the dictionary variant, but does this mean what? We can’t express our personal views? 
As an oldie, I’m kinda pissed off with labels now. 
I’ve no idea where to post this, so I’m sorry if it ends up in the wrong place.

Am I the only person who is feeling left out and in the gutter? 

I’m now a pensioner, I’m a minority group? 
Our sport has been railroaded by the pc brigade. 
Sorry but this will sound bad to many people.

I’ve been a shooter since I was 9, so were looking at over 60 years.

We are all being shafted, not just clay shooters, all shooters. 

Yeah I’m pissed off, should we have one single voice for ALL shooters? 

Yeah, a can of worms 😖😎👍
Sorry I don't quite get the question, you've asked what misogyny is then say it's in the dictionary, which is pretty straight forward the answers there.

Then go on to say shooters are being picked on, and you can't express personal views.

So it depends on what was said or done in the first place as they seem to be conflicting questions  😄

Ok, let me try to explain. 
We seem to live in a time where everyone has to have a label, look at most government forms and you are asked things such as, are you black, white, gay, lesbian,  etc. 

I just don’t see why this sort of thing is even necessary. I’m not into conspiracy theories, but I know that we are being put into categories. 

Governments and many big companies and institutions hold vast amounts of information on all of us. Why do they need such information and what do they do with it? 

Yes I do believe that as a group, shooters have been picked on. We are a minority group that governments don’t like and the general public doesn’t understand. We have been labelled as all sorts of things as I’m sure we are all aware. 

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I think a lot of the questions on those types of forms are optional, so you don't have to answer/tick them if you don't want too

Background checks seem to be the norm nowadays, I try not to get stressed by what they ask, as what can you do about it, if you don't answer the relevant question you won't get what you require, be it a bank/savings account, passport, FAC/SG licence etc etc

The opposite of misandry, yet nobody seems to want to talk about that.
Funny you should mention that mate. There has been a lot of stuff on tv about how women should have better protection when out alone. I was called a misogynist because I stated that better protection for women was rubbish. 
As far as I’m concerned we ALL have a right to protection, women are not a special case. 
So because of my views I’m labelled a misogynist! 

I think a lot of the questions on those types of forms are optional, so you don't have to answer/tick them if you don't want too

Background checks seem to be the norm nowadays, I try not to get stressed by what they ask, as what can you do about it, if you don't answer the relevant question you won't get what you require, be it a bank/savings account, passport, FAC/SG licence etc etc
It’s all rather big brother stuff. I even had to go through all sorts of proof of who I was so as to pay my income tax!!! I’ve never known anyone as yet, that has tried to pay someone else’s tax! 😂

Funny you should mention that mate. There has been a lot of stuff on tv about how women should have better protection when out alone. I was called a misogynist because I stated that better protection for women was rubbish. 
As far as I’m concerned we ALL have a right to protection, women are not a special case. 
So because of my views I’m labelled a misogynist! 
Often experienced sexual assault by random strangers then Les? Funny how most of the responses to this aren't from men.

Also notable that David Carrick didn't admit to using his position of trust as a police officer to sexually assault and rape any men, but plead guilty to 49 counts of rape / sexual assault of women.

I agree that women don't need more protection, we just need men to stop being rapists and sexual abusers.

PS I forecast a barrage of "not all men" in response. Got any tips on how to tell the difference between the ones that do and the ones that don't, when out alone?

Often experienced sexual assault by random strangers then Les? Funny how most of the responses to this aren't from men.

Also notable that David Carrick didn't admit to using his position of trust as a police officer to sexually assault and rape any men, but plead guilty to 49 counts of rape / sexual assault of women.

I agree that women don't need more protection, we just need men to stop being rapists and sexual abusers.

PS I forecast a barrage of "not all men" in response. Got any tips on how to tell the difference between the ones that do and the ones that don't, when out alone?
I have no idea how to stop anyone from committing rape. The same goes for other serious crimes of course. 
Men and women both get the same level of protection, I just fail to understand how a woman could get more/better protection. 
As for Carrick? Well I guess the police need to look far more closely at who they recruit and what action they take against officers who are accused of crimes such as his. 

No one should be afraid to walk out alone anytime.

Unfortunately Bebo has hit the nail on the head. It's time for men to stand up and tell male friends etc that it's not right what they may say in jest or make light of. I'm not talking about the serious stuff, and us men know what I'm on about don't we.

And also don't think for one minute that Dave Carrick represents all male Police officers, their jobs hard enough as it is without that, there are bad apples in all walks of life

No one should be afraid to walk out alone anytime.

Unfortunately Bebo has hit the nail on the head. It's time for men to stand up and tell male friends etc that it's not right what they may say in jest or make light of. I'm not talking about the serious stuff, and us men know what I'm on about don't we.

And also don't think for one minute that Dave Carrick represents all male Police officers, their jobs hard enough as it is without that, there are bad apples in all walks of life
Yep agreed! 👍

I have no idea how to stop anyone from committing rape. The same goes for other serious crimes of course. 
Men and women both get the same level of protection, I just fail to understand how a woman could get more/better protection. 
As for Carrick? Well I guess the police need to look far more closely at who they recruit and what action they take against officers who are accused of crimes such as his. 
Taking this logically, first point is that you don't know how to stop men from rape and sexual abuse.  Presumably you also agree that the vast majority of rape / sexual assault is perpetrated on women (by men). It isn't too much more of a leap in that logical chain to see why it might be reasonable to consider that if the victims are women and the perpetrators are men, that women might require more protection than men do from rape / sexual assault.

Taking this logically, first point is that you don't know how to stop men from rape and sexual abuse.  Presumably you also agree that the vast majority of rape / sexual assault is perpetrated on women (by men). It isn't too much more of a leap in that logical chain to see why it might be reasonable to consider that if the victims are women and the perpetrators are men, that women might require more protection than men do from rape / sexual assault.
Fine, but how would you physically give them extra protection? I can’t see how it could be done without having coppers all over the place, which we know cannot happen. 

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Quite simple really, do away with the sex register and remove some bits least there would no 'repeat offenders'    !    🤔

You could argue you have to be human to qualify for ,'human rights '.

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When I was working, some 40 years ago, I maintained that we should be sterilising arrested Criminals. Here we are now some 40 years on, and I am STILL seeing the same family names cropping up on a too regular basis. Where they were car thieves, burglars,  or prolific thieves back then, the same families are now drug dealers.

My Wife has just shown me a faceache article on some female who has over 500 body piercings,    what the hell is that about  ?  Apparently she uses WD40 instead of shower gel  🙄  I would love to take her to the local scrap yard where they have them blooming big magnet better than a zip ride   🤣

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Please can someone enlighten me? 
WTF is misogyny? Yeah I know the dictionary variant, it’s yet another label. 
It does seem like almost everyone gets labelled in some way or another.
As an oldie, I’m kinda pissed off with labels now. 
I’ve no idea where to post this, so I’m sorry if it ends up in the wrong place.
It's just one part of a growing list of words that are used in the ongoing divide and conquer war designed to keep the general public busy arguing with one another whilst they make their moves and their 'shekels'. 

Everyone knows who they are. Its the usual 'group' (think which group of people who own every single media company, own all the banks etc, are always victims and who we can never criticise). They even made up a word for not liking them as well!

I wouldn't worry about it. There are just two types of people - Normal folk and morons, and morons love that list of words and love swallowing the bullsh*t.

Often experienced sexual assault by random strangers then Les? Funny how most of the responses to this aren't from men.

Also notable that David Carrick didn't admit to using his position of trust as a police officer to sexually assault and rape any men, but plead guilty to 49 counts of rape / sexual assault of women.

I agree that women don't need more protection, we just need men to stop being rapists and sexual abusers.

PS I forecast a barrage of "not all men" in response. Got any tips on how to tell the difference between the ones that do and the ones that don't, when out alone?
Again quite simple, those you kick in the sphericals are likely to be "those that dont"  !   😖

I quite often go out on foot to the local shop or to meet my son for a beer or some such and without 'er indoors'. It sometimes happens that there's a lone woman or schoolgirl ahead of me and on my side of the road. Sadly, even though I'm almost 77 and with testosterone temporarily blocked, I now cross the road so that they don't have to feel uncomfortable about having a lone male walking behind.

Personally I never saw the point in trying to have sex with anyone who didn't want to have sex with me but it's obvious that some men see it differently and view women as targets.

I've no idea how the police or anyone else can protect women from the bad men out there. Locally there have been a couple of sexual assaults on the nearby canal towpath. I think they have someone locked up for it but my wife will only walk down the towpath to the gym on the section where there are houses close by.
